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NEW may do much to EW or greatly improved ease the state of congestion on our highways outside the larger, and even smaller,...
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O NE of the most earnest wishes of the road transport industry is for freedom from interference by politicians. By this is...
Demand for Plastics M ANY people in this industry are interested in the development of plastics. The latest statistical...
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Of an operator who sent his felt-type fuel filters to be cleaned at a laundry. That they were satisfactorily cleaned in a...
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T ENDERS for the purchase of the £7m. share capital of B.R.S. (Parcels), Ltd., were invited this week. The closing date is...
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QOME 63 per cent. of the vehicles 1 .--) offered with premises in list 12 have been sold. This high proportion strengthens ....
A N increase of 14s. a week for drivers and conductors and '8s. 3d. a Week for garage and depot workers has been proposed by...
E MPLOYEES of the Wolverhampton Transport Department on Tuesday accepted the council's offer of 10s. a week increase in pay: At...
T HE Western Licensing Authority has granted licences to two operators for nine tippers previously run under C-hiring margins....
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pRESIDING at a Press conference in London on Monday, Mr. J. W. Ellis, chairman of the National Conference of Road Transport...
A STATEMENT issued this week by 1 - 1 the Road Haulage Astociation said that discussions with the Wholesale Meat and Provisions...
MR. A. S. C. CHATTEY, managing director of A.C.V. Sales, Ltd„ has joined the board of A.E.C., Ltd. Ma. G. R. Evots has been...
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conditions in Manchester did not approach anything that I could be described as congestion, commented Sir Robert H. Tolerion, a...
A PASSENGER being thrown from . the open door of a moving bus does not amount to prima facie evidence of fault on the part of...
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I T would be three months before the police could proceed with the charges, Supt. J. Davies told Alfreton magistrates last...
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D EVELOPED for use in light delivery vehicles, but available as a private-car unit, the electro-magnetic clutch produced by...
in August was affected by holidays, the weekly average output was 5,611, This compares with 5,295 for July, and 6,161, the...
the • European mission which studied traffic problems in the United States • have been made by the Roads Campaign Council and...
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'THE Metropolitan Licensin g I Authority refused on Monday to allow North Motor Services, Ltd., Great Yarmouth, an extra...
W HEN Thomas Tours, Ltd., Newark, applied to the East Midland Licensin g Authority at Nottin g ham, last week, for a number of...
I DENTICAL tenders for a three-year contract for supplying and maintaining Birmingham Corporation's bus tyres have been...
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A '80 per cent. increase in carrying capacity under an A licence was granted last week by Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western Licensing...
IVALSALL magistrates last week VV fined the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., and one of their drivers for using...
The Pegaso 5-tonner described in The Cornmerchd Motor on October 14 has an Eaton two-speed axle. A Mechanical Handling...
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O UTSTANDING among new appliances recently made available for use in service depots and garages are tubeless-tyre bead...
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A QUICK-COUPLING gear that is PA interchangeable with Scammell and Karrier 7-type gears has been introduced by 1. Brockhouse...
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T WELVE R.A.S.C: drivers last Saturday essayed the formidable task of performing six difficult manceuvres in seven minutes....
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European Mission's Report on U.S. Traffic Problem : Big Spending on Roads : Bus Companies in Difficulties D OAD haulage has...
E IGHT different makes of battery-electric vehicle are on exhibition at the Dairy Show, Olympia, which closes today. Whilst...
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Drivers Must Stop Before Reaching Zebra Crossings Unless They Can See No Pedestrians are Using Them By Our Legal Adviser T HE...
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T BELIEVE that if the opportunity is taken, there is today a better chance of a long period of stability than has existed at...
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I 6 6 F we continue to keep a high standard, total denationalization • or part denationalization will not harm us overmuch."...
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A MONG the new vehicles to be exhibited at the Scottish Show next month will be the Dennis Heron forward-control 3-tonner...
A WORKING party of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe has confirmed the introduction next year of five new...
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DY using a crane, as opposed to man handling, several thousand pounds a year can be saved. Evidence in support of this claim...
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A LABOUR Member of Parliament, Mr.. Ernest - r - k Davies, said that the fleets of ancillary users represented a large excess...
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to give the an answer, the Road Haulage Association have gone on asking questions of themselves, Three months ago, shortly...
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42-Vehicle Fleet Bought by Mansfield Company : Other List 12 Units Sold T HE Mansfield depot of British Road Services, and 42...
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M ANY readers have got ahead of me in following up the articles on simple book-keeping. They have started to ask questions...
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in which'the forward speeds are automatically and successively engaged, comes in patent No. 735,922, from The Standard Motor...