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The appreciation of sites which are comparatively remote from main line railway stations, and the improving demand for land...
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Our seventh special number—" THE MIDDLEMAN'S ISSUE "—is announced for October 12th. This is a new departure which will enlist...
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Mr. E. Shrapnel] Smith has been elected honorary vicepresident of the Society of Motor Omnibus Engineers. Motor omnibus...
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By a Reader who Uses a Steam Wagon for His Short-distance Loads. The never-failing subject of our railways, their doings and...
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Concluded 133 , EDMUND DANGERFIELD. Editor: E. SHRAPNELL SMITH. Manager ERNEST PERMAN. 7-15, Rosebery Avenue. London, E.G....
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We herewith give four illustrations and a description of the steam vehicles built by Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon...
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The London General Omnibus Company's Preparations. The London General Omnibus Company, Limited, which is the...
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Water Supplies for Steam Wagons. Sir :—Allow me, through your pages, to thank Mr. J. Summer for his most readable article on "...
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The Prested accumulator may fairly claim to be in the very front rank of this class of ignition apparatus. During the last two...
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A member of our staff recently had the pleasure of inspecting a chassis built by Messrs. Turgan,. of LevalloisFerret, France,...
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How to Make a Rope Tyre. J.W.M." (Leicester) writes us under date the 23rd inst :— " I think the following explanation of how...
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No. 13,066, dated June 24th, 1905.Lubricator.—The United Kingdom Self. AdjustingAnti-Friction Metallic Packing Synd., Ltd. —...