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T HE PRODUCTION as an engineering job of a wheel skotch, described and illustrated in our last issue, has roused interest,...
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That the driver and the drover don't hit it. Sheep and nasty. Higher rates,. fewer freights. Of dumb irons and chattering...
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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a, carriage is by the...
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£250 is to be spent on a motor ambulance by Merthyr Guardians. Tottenham - T.T.D.C. has received delivery of a new Lacre motor...
T AST Saturday (Sept. 25th) was an .1.4 important day for all interested in the commercial motor at Liverpool. For many years...
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Means Employed by American Concerns • to Secure Overseas Trade. T HE FOLLOWING notes of American procedure in developing...
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Schedule of Entries and Programme of the Contest which Starts To-day (Tuesday). I N WHAT FOLLOWS we have endeavoured to give,...
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Are they Necessary ? The Paramount Importance of Keeping Business Vehicles on Productive Work may Compel Garages to Turn Night...
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That the Agrimotor is Rapidly and Certainly Displacing the Horse is the Conclusion of a Pioneer Practitioner and Early Advocate...
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Some' Useful and Interesting Figures and Comparisons with the Cost of Team Ploughing. T HE FOLLOWING tables of expenses of...
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Where the Agrimotor and Lorry are Used, and Considerable Benefits Accrue in Consequence. I HAD THE pleasure of visiting...
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The Exclusion of Foreign Ploughs and Its Effect Upon the Tractor Trials. I N THE EDITORIAL pages of The Commercial Motor for...
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Should Sprags be Compulsory ? Where Spra in Their 'Use : Ar eeded : Types of Sprags : Training Drivers nity for Designers. y...
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A Further Description of Some of the Commercial Chassis to be Shown at Olympia Next Month. Guys for Next Year. T HE 2i TON...
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Particularly Addressed to Those Who are Replacing Horsed Vehicles by Motors, or Contemplating So Doing. Waiting for...
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Further Notes on Motor Transport for the Farmer. I T 18 TRUE that the most prosperous agricultural areas are thoseserved with...
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Pr HE GREAT AUSTIN works, em ploying many thousands of men, are situated. in the country seven miles from Bilmingham, and,...
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TEN SHILLINGS is paid to the sender of any letter which we publish on this page, and an EXTRA .FIVE SHILLINGS to the sender of...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. It is quite in keeping with' the general fitness of things that our interest, this...