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T HE wisdom of a strong policy of self-defence in road transport is exemplified by certain concessions recently obtained by...
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G OOD work on behalf of road transpct - t is being 1 --- 1 carried out by the Coal Utilisation Council which, frcon time to...
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" The brakes failed "—very selcTom now. That the Blackpool illuminations add a final fillip to the close of the coaching...
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The Minister of Transport announces that he has decided to bring certain Sections of the Road Traffic Act, 1934, into operation...
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MUNICIPAL SUPPORT FOR B-LICENCE APPLICANT. At a sitting of the Southern Scotland Licensing Authority, Mr. T. E. Streeter,...
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WAD -BUILDING SCHEME I S it only a dream that all fast goods transport hitherto carried by rail may, in future, go by road? At...
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Scamrnells for Overseas T Anglo-Persian Oil Co., Ltd., was one of the pioneer users of Scammell vehicles, and some early...
T HE introduction of new models was foreshadowed by Mr. G. Wingate, the chairman, at the annual general meeting of Halley...
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[43891 Sir,—We would take this opportunity to say how interested we are in the letter you have published in your issue dated...
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K NOWN in the commercial-vehicle field for its range of electrical equipment, the British ThomsonHouston Co., Ltd., Rugby, has...
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LEYLAND REPUTATION 0 UR first impression on leaving the Leyland Co.'s Ham works on board the Cub KG03 oilengined demonstration...
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M OST operators of goods vehicles know that from Monday next, October 1, daily records will have to be kept in respect of every...
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B REWERY concerns, like motor-spirit suppliers, have to arrange 'their transport facilities to meet urgent calls for...
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AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION'S VALUABLE WORK. The air-transport section of the Society of British Aircraft Constructors is...
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The New Basis of Taxation F ROM advance announcements t h e unhappy trades concerned in manufacturing and operating...
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T HE following are reports received from provincial correspondents concerning the activities of the Area Conciliation Boards...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT OPERATORS WIN BIG GROUP OF APPEALS r \ NE of the largest groups of appeals ever heard under the Road...
T HE. vital need for co-operation between coach operators was emphasized at a mass meeting, held in Manchester; last week,...
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"Officially in Existence and Prepared to Function," State the Conveners WHAT is the present position &air/ ceming the Regional...
"UNCERTAINTY" OF CONTRACTCARRIAGE AMENDMENTS. nOUBTS were placed on the interpreLJ tation of the contract-carriage amendments...
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T WO interesting Dennis Lance double-deck buses with bodies by the Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., Gloucester,...
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T "general state of trade remains good. Amongst the heavy industries, reports are as follow :—In Yorkshire and the North-east...
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The Paris Show A Forecast of the Panhard, Renault, Berliet, Delahaye, Latil, Rochet-Schneider, Somua and Lorraine-Dietrich...
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HAULIER and CARRIER T HERE is a point about hire-purchase instalmCnts which I omitted to mention in the previous article. It is...
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A LTHOUGH many attempts have been made to prevent atmospheric contamination by the emptying of dustbins, in most instances the...