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T 0 THE CONFUSION which surrounds the deregulation of the bus industry must now be added a confusion over why the bus industry...
THE NFC Distribution Group comes into being in 10 days' time. Is it merely an internal reshuffle or a marketing move, or is it...
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AMPLIFICATION of .perator licensing and domesic drivers' hours rules is ikely to be on the statute look before the next general...
_EYLAND'S Roadrunner 7.5-tonner looks like breaking nto a new export market — with a little help from rival icania. Leyland...
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LEYLAND Vehicles has cut another E10 million off its operating losses, most of it from more profitable sales of trucks. In the...
'worse than national average' OVER 700 transport companies failed in the first six months of this year. Dun and Bradstreet,...
EATON'S has struck a deal in ZE's own backyard, by reaching a marketing agreement with MAN for Eaton to market MAN hub...
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I OF the first 50 operators have their exemption 7mit applications processed • the London lorry ban ve been successful,...
?ERATORS which lack ry ban exemption agreenits with the Greater Lonn Council should be able to around the proposed ban hiring...
SOUTHAMPTON City Transport general manager and former Bus and Coach Council president Bill Lewis has opted for early...
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by Alan Millar THE MUCH-DELAYED opening of the M25 London orbital route in north-west Surrey will take place on October 7,...
MANCHESTER-base Ryder International and se eral other hauliers are anxia to hear from anyone who h had dealings with a Grec...
THE SWING away fro Supplier to retailer controlb distribution has claimed third Reckitt and Colm; depot in a year. 'Hie...
THE COMMON MARKET plans to establish a .V.3 million fund for developing new transport technology. The report to be debated in...
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THE PERSONNEL director of Tyne and Wear Passenger Transport Executive, Mike Allen, has resigned from his 127,000-a-year job in...
THE OPERATION and development of BRS Membership Services is now the responsibility of Ray Combs, who has been appointed general...
ROBERT KELLY, Thomas Meadow's managing director, has a new job from October 1 when he becomes chief executive of Bowater...
THE TRANSPORT am General Workers' Union' executive council has voted ii Bill Morris as deputy genera secretary. Morris, who ha...
US AUTOMOTIVE paints maker PPG Industries has appointed Austin O'Malley to the position of director, automotive products,...
UNITED TRANSPORT ternational director Pete Stead has been appointed t the board of the group's Aus tralian subsidiary Unite,...
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1STRIBUTION is to asme greater importance in .c activities of Tempco nion, the National Freight onsortium-managed cold are...
THE TRANSPORT and General Workers' Union was trying again this week to resolve what it would do about agency labour, including...
ENEWAL of the licence !Id by K. A. Young and m of (tardiff has been reised by South Wales censing Authority Ronald ckson...
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ENVIRONMENTAL controls may yet be placed on a Dairy Crest Foods depot, a Deputy Licensing Authority has warned. North-Western...
THE TRANSPORT Tribun has criticised a Depot Licensing Authority for h handling of an environment public inquiry — and II; given...
CROYDON Central MP John Moore wants the Director of Public Prosecutions to overrule Devon police and prosecute Winterbotharn...
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AN INVERNESS ownerdriver has put two of Britain's biggest ever tipping trailers on a contract to deliver wood chips to a whisky...
POTENTIAL freight users of a fixed Channel link have not been consulted over their needs, according to the Freight Transport...
DEPARTMENT of Trans)ort management has agreed o let one of the civil service racks unions see their figures Or traffic...
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by Noel Millier THE BUS AND COACH Council is to be restructured to make it more relevant to the operating industry after...
ENSIGNBUS, of Purflcet. Essex, has added Portuguest coachwork to the range o. imported coach bodies L supplies. The first...
INCREASED demand for public transport between Kowloon, Hong Kong Island and new towns in the Hong Kong New Territories is...
TRAVEL AGENTS' attempts to establish a closed shop for bonded holidays have been slammed by Bus and Coach Council president...
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NEW STYLE 16-seat bus icly is to be offered to -itish operators by a Portulese builder called Elme. The agent in this country...
ENSIGNBUS, the Essex dealer and operator, and Southend Transport have jointly tendered to operate an East London school bus...
MIDLAND FOX has won authority to re-route services in the centre of Leicester, despite objections from Leicester City Bus....
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LEYLAND TRUCKS has developed a microprocessor based gear change indicator for its top weight artics. The new device, called...
LOW-PROFILE versions c Leyland Freighter and Con structor rigids and Cruise tractive units for local dc livery or municipal...
MAN is no longer the on. manufacturer to offer air in pension front and rear as option on all of its 4x2 at, 6x2 rigid...
MULTIPART has extended its exchange engine range with eight factory remanufactured Bedford units. The 330 and 500-Series...
GARDNER has extended its range of exchange parts for truck and PSV engines. The current range, which includes cylinder heads...
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A hotly contested decision at the annual fuel economy trials organised by the brewing industry puts a question over the future...
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Future trends in distribution, engineering, legislation and the economy all went under the microscope last week when 300...
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lm covering similar ground, Stanton said that over 80 per cent of food is sold through 20 per cent of the retail outlets, and...
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DOUG ALLEN of Applied Distribution Techniques (and all exshipping manager for Rolls-Royce) drew a comparison between European...
GLOOMY prospects lie ahead for haulage, according to The Guardian's economic policy editor Christopher Huhne. At least, that...
IN A FIERY speech, Transport Commissioner Stanley Clinton Davis pledged swift action by the EEC Commission on its...
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Under new regulations which come into effect next January hauliers could find themselves liable if hazardous goods they carry...
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WITH reference to your article (CM, September 7) regarding the first rigid lorry in Britain with a walking floor to be...
I AM AN experienced, presentable, well-turned-out driver who has held a PSV licence for 20 years, I also hold a CPC. -1 am now...
PERHAPS like me this morning you washed and dressed in a few minutes, jumped in the car or on your bike and drove — very easily...
I TODAY received this week's copy of Commercial Motor and noticed the cover price had risen to 75p. I think such a price...
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Getting more use out of fewer vehicles is a strong argument for overnight trunking, but there can be pitfalls. Jack Semple...
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David Wilcox reports on how British international hauliers keep going despite perilously low profit margins T HE MOST...
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L ET nobody say that the practice of "buying market share" is just a myth: major Ford dealer Perrys has just mailed out one...
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two new 8.5-litre engines to power them. At the same rime CM also decided to allow the use of aerodynamic equipment on road...
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T NT may have just spent i2M on computerisation ip its 28 depots but is Joe Bloggs, proprietor of a three-vehicle fleet,...
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Tim Blakemore finds out how accurately the predictions of two engineering pundits arc borne out by exhibits at the Frankfurt...