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T . HERE ARE SOMEWHAT numerous signs that we are on the eve of a general offensive, directed against the motorcar owner, the...
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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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An Interesting American Device which Works on the Principle that the Deflection of the Spring is Proportionate to the Load...
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A Description of Exhaustive Tests Under Excessive Vibration to Ensure Radiator Reliability. Until the leak occurs, few motor...
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By "The Inspector." I NOTICE in a recent issue of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR that the Editor had felt constrained to revert to the...
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(With apologies to William Shakespeare) ("King Henry VI.," 3rd part; 2nd act; 51h scene.) Egad, I guess it were a happy life To...
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A Tale of a Forward Mobile Workshop. I F, IN THESE TALES of a Mobile War Workshop, • :I seem to give the impression that I...
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In the widely-scattered domain over which the Road Transport Board exercises control, there are few territories presenting...
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A New Portable Suction Gas Plant for Commercial Motors. There are not a few whose attentions are turning to the alternative of...
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Morecambe Tramway System Makes a Success of a Flexible Container. The war has brought into prominence in many parts of the...
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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Ford "). O F COURSE, YOU know all about the electricity on the Ford : because,...
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By "The Extractor." Why Not ? One of the happiest caricatures of a long series, in this journal is portrayed on this page,...
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A PRIZE OF TEN SHILLINGS is awarded each week to the sender of the best letter which we publish on this page; all others are...
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A Novel Agrimotor. An agrirmotor of a novel and ingenious construction forms the subject of a patent by G. W. and A. A....