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T HERE have been many An Effective Answer to the Many letters in the Press on the road. v. rail problem, the Accusations That...
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T HERE is nothing new in fitting an oil engine to certain light vehicles, because quite a number of private cars has been so...
International Highways F IVE governments, those of Belgium, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, are prepared to...
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Of lions travelling in horseboxes, but not with the horses. That P.R.O. should not stand for Public Restriction Officer. Much...
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Results of R.H.A. Inquiry : National Council Considers Transport Bill A BOUT 2,000 hauliers and ex-hauliers have replied to...
F OR some months the Birmingham and.. Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., has been experimenting successfully with...
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A FURTHER decline in receipts, 11 vehicle 'mileage and tonnage carried is reported by British Road Services. In the four weeks...
T HE first oil-engined taxicab to be licensed for operation in the Metropolitan area was put into service on Thursday of last...
A T the earliest possible moment, passenger vehicle operators should send to the area secretaries of the Passenger Vehicle...
TWELVE of 72 new Dennis school I buses have been delivered to London County Council and will start work in the autumn term....
The modifications were concerned with the camshaft, sump, inlet manifold and flywheel. The camshaft employed has as its basis a...
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A N appeal by the Railway Executive, thz Eastern Counties Omnibus Co., Ltd., and the Red Car Service against the authorization...
increase in February, 1951. Extra revenue was now required to maintain efficient services. Mr. E. C. P. Lascelles heard an...
MR. C. M. WILLIAMS, A.S.A.A., has been appointed secretary-accountant of the Rhondda Transport Co., Ltd. Au). 1j. GRATTON has...
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T HE output of commercial vehicles for June, a five-week period, was 22,057, or 1,500 lower than for the corresponding period...
A FTER discussions had taken place between officers of the Ministry of Labour and the National Union of Vehicle Builders...
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A ' application almost similar to that submitted and rejected in January has been made by the East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd., to...
A T a ceremony on Horse Guards Parade, last week, the Minister of Transport, Mr. A. T. Lennox-Boyd, M.P., and the chairman of...
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F OUR Bedford-Eagle tower wagons 1 will be exhibited at the forthcoming Harrogate conference of the Association of Public...
A FIRE-ENGINE version of the ./ — k Land-Rover, incorporating new equipment, will be introduced at the Commercial Motor Show....
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O NE of the outstanding exhibits at the Commercial Motor Show will be the new Harrington 'chassisless all-metal public-service...
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FTER many delays because of material shortages, the Bristol eight-wheeler is on the road as a complete vehicle. The chassis has...
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A LTHO UGH flow meters have been PA. in common use in dealing with fuel at bulk installations, the first tanker vehicles to be...
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R EPRESENT1NG the culmination of five years' continuous development of integrally constructed light-alloy public service...
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Six-wheeler Laurence J. Cotton, M.I.R.T.E. I T is uncommon to find a fully laden six-wheeler that can challenge and overtake...
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T HE oil engine offered as an alternative to the petrol engine in the new Thornycroft Trusty SAR/GRN6 sixwheeler, a roadrtest...
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I ARGE-SCALE constructional pro1-1 jects in many parts of the world are likely to result in increasing demands for heavy-duty...
A LATHE, designed to bridge the gap between the plain precision bench tool and the heavy-duty type, is now in production by...
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T HE impression left by most political manifestos is that they have been composed by some remote cave-dweller who is...
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WITH regard to your leading article, "Light on " Licensing," in, your issue for August 8, when you refer to responsible...
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from the C.-Licensee When Denationalization Has Been Effected, Hauliers Will Have to Persuade Ancillary Users to Give Them More...
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P ATENT No. 675,600 (J. Dube. Windsor, Ontario, Canada) shows a design for a tipping mechanism. In this scheme, instead of the...