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T HE question as to the prospects during the forthcoming year for road transport in its many phases is one that may well be...
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11 , 4 _ PUBLIC service vehicle operator, applying to the East Midland Traffic Commissioners for excursion licences for...
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Only part of what Wall Street is doing. That pedestrians should be seen and not hurt. That 1932 will be a pick-up year for...
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by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it...
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e_r evolution VALVES and shortcomings T Hi, modern petrol engine has passed through many stages in its evolution, and,...
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and PARTITIONS their bearing on seating layout T HE term " bulkhead " is used to describe any unit of the transverse...
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OF DISTINCTION p OSSIBLY no maker offers such a comprehensive range of goods models as does John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd.,...
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TATE recently gained an insight into the work of the Technological Institute of Great Britain, when Mr. C. Bounaud, MA.,...
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Three cylindered C.L.M. Engine A French-built Example of the Junkers Design, Embodying Double Opposed Pistons in its...
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W HATE VER difference the Road Traffic Act made to the insurance business (and it must have made some), it did not to any...
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AGRIMOTOR By INVESTIGATIONS World wide Efforts are Being Made Further to Improve the Agricultural Tractor, and this Article...
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A Plea for the Use of Empire-grown Timbers Which Have Many Features to Recommend Them B UY British " is an excellent slogan to...
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Degreasing Plant T RROITGEf the courtesy of the Southern-area distributte*, James W. Carr and Co., Ltd., 26-27, Budge Row,...
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The Cutting of Transport Rates. The Editor, Tram COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3605] 5ir,—For a long time now I have been reading The...
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R ECENTLY Dennis Brothers and Son, Ltd., 17, Silchester Road, London, W.10, shipped to Messrs. T. W. M. Forsyth, Cairo, Egypt,...
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vuTITII reference to the brief news V V given on page 700 of our issue for last week, regulations concerning the Minister's...
• Conferences of Commissioners. ONE important decision which the new Minister of Transport has come to is that henceforth...
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for Birmingham B UILT to the specification of the officers of the Birmingham Fire Brigade, a pair of interesting machines has...
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P ERHAPS the most serious disad vantages the to the use of gas producers on vehicles are those of irregular working when the...
A NOTHER batch of 1 - 1.Dennis vehicles has recently been commissioned for service by the London and North Eastern Railway Co.,...
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A RECORD of rapid expansion under single-handed direction is the enviable distinction enjoyed by MacCarriers, Ltd., the head...
U1NGINEERS frequently find the I 'I need for a method of determining shaft speeds when constructing auxiliaries for vehicles,...
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HAULIER and CARRIER I AM often asked by hauliers how they should advertise their businesses. The question comes sometimes from...
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MHE name of Commandatore P. if. Salerni, 23, Canton House Terrace, London, appears in patent No. 361,281, which relates to a...