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road trans port industry has passed ihrough many periods of anxiety and has engaged in many battles with those who sought to...
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T HE proposals put forward by the Traders' Road Transport Association for the relief of traffic congestion in London during the...
State Transport and TRADERS arc concerned Compensation for 1 over the Road Haulage Damaged Goods . • Executive's practice of...
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Less o - il-engine "knock" these days. That "under the bat" is now mostly " under the floor." Of certain hauliers looking...
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WAVING given tradesmen and private individuals excellent service as " agents for Sutton and Co., Ltd., and the old railway...
IT is understood that at least two I London branches of the Transport and General Workers' Union have passed resolutions...
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S UPPORT from the Transport and General Workers' Union for the ,ibolition of workmen's fares may now encourage operators to...
O N Monday more than 40.000 vehicles of the Road Haulage Executive, together with the goods they carry, will be brought under a...
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D EDUCED demand for private-party work, and the smaller number of contracts for the conveyance of workpeople to and from...
MR. R..1. LEWIS has joined the board of Kerry's (Great Britain), Ltd. MR. T. H. THOMSON. A.M.Inst.T., general manage/ of...
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E XTENS1ON of road transport nationalization in Mysore has been deferred as the State organization had been losing money for...
T ° provide the wages of a class 4 (M) clerk earning £305 a year, a British Road Services depot would have to caTry some 9,000...
WAIST the number of vehicles VI' operated has decreased, the tonnage handled by British Road Services has gone up during the...
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A MOVING conveyor, nearly 1,000 ft. I - Along, has recently been put into operation at the Farington works of Leyland Motors,...
" B Y efficien` mariageinent. administration and operation we have. so far, been able to meet very substantial increases in...
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I N the early days of Rome, it was the custom to force the vanquished to pass under a yoke as a symbol of their subjection. On...
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A ibion Clydesdale Load Carrier Employs Power and Transmission Units of Medium Range and Other Components of Maximum-load Class...
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TWO ingenious ideas, one for a i thief-proof device, and the other for stopping window rattles, have been suggested to "The...
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Limitation imposed by Tilt Test Militates Against Adoption of Independent Systems. Longer Leaf Springs Would Increase Riding...
UANY transport concerns during the 1 V1 war were engaged on development work related to the use of producer-gas and, at the...
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even I. in the little British colony of Cyprus. The Government operates the 71-mile railway and has stated that without,...
Brewing in S.A. nISSATISFACTION is felt by the La/ Motor Transport Association of South Africa over the powers of the National...
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I N the periods since 1945 that have most nearly approached peace, the popularity of Continental coach tours has increased and...
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operator-bodybuilder, a new inbat van with light-alloy bodywork by Banallack and Sons, Ltd., Nursery Lane, Forest Gate, London,...
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Comparative Costs of Three Different Vehicles, Assessed on the Basis of the Latest Figures, Are Explained in This Article A...
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T.R.T.A. Demands Priority for Goods Vehicles on Collection and Delivery V ALUABLE proposals for casing traffic congestion in...
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Cabs of the Latest Goods Vehicles Offer a High Degree of Comfort and a Wide Range o; Visibility. Ease of Assembly and Repair...
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bus driver for 26 years, support your efforts in to keep the road transport industry, both goods and passenger, free? I have...
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Technicalities of Heating Passenger Vehicles Discussed by Clayton Dewandre Engineer in I.R.T.E. Paper T HE design of suitable...
A CLAIM that the Road Haulage Executive's ton-mileage was 40 per cent. less than that of former free operators was made during...