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M R. J. S. WILLS, chairman of the Western Welsh Omnibus Co., Ltd., was not exaggerating when, last week, he described the...
L ORD DERWENT was a little optimistic when he said in the House of Lords, last week, that commercial-vehicle operators would be...
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Geoffre r:ott Sutcliffe A LTHOUGH its importance in terms both of local employment and world trade is considerable, the...
A MONO those who are concerned about the emission of black smoke by oil-engined vehicles is the Duke of Edinburgh. What His...
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T HE number of vehicle manufacturers who will be exhibiting at the Commercial Motor Show, to be held at Earls Court from...
D ECISIONS in favour of hauliers made by the Special Commissioners of Income Tax will stand. This follows the withdrawal by the...
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A GLARING weakness in passenger licensing as exposed at Newcastle " last week, when the Northern General Tran port Co., Ltd.,...
T WO underground pipeline schemes, which together will cost about £3.3m., were authorized last week when the Esso Petroleum...
Lose Farm Traffic VIDEN E that British Road Services I— , were 14 danger of basing a considerable valum of traffic in...
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W E regret to record the deaths of MR. FRANK MILTON, MR. AWITIUR WOOLNOUGH, MR. RAY BROWNE and MR. R. J. ELMES. Mr. Milton,...
• MR. H. D. ,OLIVER has been elected to the board of Laystall Engineering Co.. Ltd. MR. G. McKAy. assistant general manager...
P. E. Peale and Sons, Ltd. Cap. f5.000. Dirs.: F. b. Peate. 20a Lichfield Road, Walsall, and F. E. Peate, inn. 132 Wednesbury...
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N ° immediate action would be taken concernin g the shadows on Ml, Mr. Ernest Marples, Minister of Transport, told the House of...
C HANGING conditions in the coat trade were given as the reason for seekin g a new B licence, when Mr. David Lan g , 2 William...
A SUCCESSFUL A licence application r't for one vehicle of 4 tons to be ac q uired, was made by Robert Mitchell and Co., Ltd.,...
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TO save the cost of employing furniture removers, drivers employed by British Railways are allowed to use their employers' vans...
A FORMER builder who ran a " pirate " haulage business even after he had been warned, was prosecuted by the Eastern Licensing...
. rOLLOWING the production of operating figures the British Transport Commission withdrew objection to an application by Mr....
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A PROPOSAL to link the catchment area of excursions and tours licences relating to three separate companies, Yelloway Motor...
DROSPECTIVE passengers who had said that if a licence were not granted to a particular operator they would rather walk to work...
A : PERSONAL message from Mr. J. B. Burnell, opefating manager of London Transport's central. road services, which described...
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A FACTORY truck is not a machine in. of the type requiring to be fenced under the Factories Act, 1937. This was affirmed in the...
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A DDITIONAL facilities for transport in the Argyll area were refused by, Mr. W. F. Quin, Scottish Licensing Authority, in...
INDUSTRIES in Sheffield and the West I Riding of Yorkshire which use road transport urgently need facilities for the fast...
Strong Oppos i t i on • • D ESPITE strong opposition from the British Transport Commission, Mr. S. H. Buckley, 2 Peveril...
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"T HE summer was extremely good— and our companies made the most of it," declared Mr. H. C. Drayton, chairman of British...
Most," Complain Authorities Company and Public Interest Coincide, Says Mr. Thom : £150,000 Surplus Wanted C °MPLAINTS by...
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U N REMUNERATIVE rural services and "pirate" operation of small buses occupied a prominent part of the annual report of the...
lialtanpriee Rural District Council require a refuse collector. Hemel Hempstead Rural District Council require a refuse...
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H EAVY penalties characterized London's first eliminating round of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition last Sunday. Losses...
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J USTLY; the Navy, or at least its close associates. triumphed at the Plymouth eliminating round of the Lorry Driver of the...
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A T the first eliminating round of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition to be held at Newcastle upon Tyne. last Sunday,...
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first reaction to the " Report from the Select Committee o on Nationalized Industries" (British Railways), published last week....
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W HAT is thought to be the first allBritish integrally constructed semitrailer van, using only light-alloy members in its...
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T HE range of products carried in road tankers continues to widen. Now, John Rannoch, Ltd. are to emploY a 2.000-gal.-capacity...
B ECAUSE they had found it virtually impossible to hire Karrier Bantam vehicles, and their existing fleet was very much in...
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ING GIPSY By Anthony Ellis ci7 F OLLOWING its introduction early in 1958, the Austin Gipsy 4 x 4 utility was justly acclaimed...
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A LTHOUGH it will not emerge for some years, a completely maintenance-free commercial vehicle has been the aim of .designers...
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TWO booklets each entitled " Britain's Transport Crisis" have been issued at Is. by the Road and Rail Association, 5 Carlos...
S IX charges against Messrs. W. D. Houston and Sons, Langdykes, by Leven, concerning excessive driving hours, failure to keep...
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J UST when the road transport industry looked like getting through the Parliamentary session without incident, the House of...
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problems which could arise when staff cars were maintained and operated alongside a commercial fleet. Having already provided a...
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A DDITIONAL facilities for the development of fuels, lubricating oils and other petroleum products have been introduced by the...
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DATENT No. 834,710 shows an injec tion pump in Which close tolerances arc not required between the plunger and barrel. It is...