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29th July 1966
29th July 1966
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Page 1, 29th July 1966

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Implications of White Paper

M RS. CASTLE'S long-promised White Paper on transport is not an easy document to assess. t is a collection of hints and...

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State transport cash cut

THE British Railways Board is to have a klarn. cut in its investment, and the London Transport Board i2m., as a result of the...

More nationalization urged by TGWU bus chiefs

M ORE public ownership in the bus passenger industry and subsidies for "socially essential" services are advocated by the...


A SEARCHING new look at the social and economic costs of carrying goods by road, a promise to tighten up the licensing system,...

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rates). The Government will take powers to give financial help for major capital work, including monorails, railways and...

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THC and BRS to be dissolved

A T a Press conference on the White Paper on Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Castle revealed that in the process of establishing the...

Licensing examination welcomed

'['HE White Paper's proposals for examining carriers' licensing were welcomed by the RHA; the Association would make a...

Wages agreement 'needs examining

T HE increase in the average rostered earnings of drivers and conductors under the recent bus agreement in Coventry amounted...

Words without actions, says Peter Walker

WITHE4 an hour of the White Paper being " published Mr. Peter Walker, shadow Transport Minister, said at Westminster: "Never...


Lt.-Col. Frank Bustard, 80 years old, is the 1965 winner of the Viva Shield presented each year by the Worshipful Company of...

Page 29

linistry won't budge on lster tit-for-tat

H. BRIAN COTTEE and IAIN SHERRIFF seems that British hauliers who intend making application for Road Freight !nces in Northern...

First new container depot

E New Botany Shed in the Port of Man chester's Bridgewater Department has been established as Britain's first operational...

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Another maintenance inspector for TRTA

B ECAUSE of growing demand for its maintenance inspection service in the London area, the Traders Road Transport Association is...

Wages freeze ignored by TGWU branch

B IRMINGHAM officers of the Transport and General Workers' Union are to continue to press local pay claims now in hand despite...

The Genesis of ABMAC

T HE reorganization of Associated Deliveries Ltd. in consequence of the formation (reported last week) of ABMAC Deliveries Ltd....

Page 31

alue for toney ?

DO not accept that this is the case," said Mrs. Barbara Castle in answer question posed by a COMMERCIAL )R representative last...

Call to renationalize road transport

FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT A DEGREE of impatience at the Government's delay in producing "integration" proposals is...

Speed Freights take over Hope

H OPE Transport Ltd. has been acquired by the Speed Freights Group, which incorporates Sayers and Shirley and Hulks Transport....

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More LTB one . man buses

A COMPLETELY new bus service over Harrow Hill is to be introduced by London Transport on Monday, August 8. It will be operated...

Safety advantage in front-entrance buses

A CCIDENTS caused when passengers were alighting from or boarding buses would be entirely eliminated by the more extensive use...

Higher Speeds for Buses

T HE Minister of Transport has laid before Parliament regulations increasing speed limits for various classes of motor...

Committee to encourage one-man buses?

A PROPOSAL to set up an informal working group to study the technical and operating development necessary to accelerate the...

Higher costs

D ESPTTE difficulties in the past year, the profit (before tax) of the Maidstone and District Motor Services Ltd. has been...

fewer passengers

Fifteen were of a design new to the company, being rear-engined with low-step, frontentrance construction. The vehicles had...

Strachans and MCW for Sunderland

TENDERS of Strachans (Coachbuilders) Ltd. and Metropolitan-Cammell-Weymann Ltd. for 10 single-deck bus bodies each have been...

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',is is More Like It!

New Sunderland single-deckers will attract public by Derek Moses first of the single-deckers designed zifically for...

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Suspension for illegal operating

A HAULAGE contractor serving several named companies with a Contract A licence thought he was entitled to carry for any company...

Commissioners upheld in Welsh fares appeals

A PEALS by numerous Welsh urban, rural and borough councils against decisions of the South Wales Traffic Commissioners allowing...

Holidaymakers got free trips

T HE head of a Tredegar bus firm told the South Wales Traffic Commissioners in Cardiff on Monday that he had been taking...

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ibunal 'holds

Iputy LA Transport Tribunal has upheld a :ision by the Eastern deputy Licensing rity refusing to grant a variation to the held...

Licensinga waste of time?

"I T is generally a waste of time to come to an inquiry without the necessary evidence." So says Mr. D. I. R. Muir, the...

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Improved weight distribution for twin-steers

B ETTER weight distribution is being obtained on the vehicles they are now converting into twin-steering six-wheelers, claims...

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lanufacturers say one week is longest wait ir stock spares A. J. P. Wilding, AMIMeehE, M1RTE ST week I reported complaints by...

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Know Your Air Brakes

Part 19—Shut-off Valves with C-type Couplings O F the many valves and units needed to operate air brakes on tractor and...

Where to Get Service Round the Clock

T HE two parts of the guide to 24-hour and emergency service for commercial vehicles which were printed in consecutive issues...

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This is Freightmaster. The ultimate.

Top vehicle for bigbulk distribution. With the accent on profit. York brought the frameless trailer van to Britain and blazed...

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TUST over three years ago COMMERCIAL J MOTOR published a survey of light delivery vans with body capacities of up to 200 cu....

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Bird's Eye

View BY THE HAWK Off beat TT'S not easy to lose a double-decker. Especially when it is taken off beat. as last week's news...

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John C. Vann, FCII

mu own a commercial vehicle—or rhaps a fleet of them—you have bly arranged comprehensive in e. term "comprehensive" is...

Page 62

Multi-delivery refrigerate' hide design

R EFRIGERATED vehicle design and considerations on longdistance work have already been covered in previous issues of COMMERCIAL...

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In Your Opinion

Don't Take it for Granted IN your July 15 issue, "Lorry Driver", Clapton, assumes that he is going to keep the better wages...

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Fuel additives and engine design ACCORDING TO LUBRIZOL, ENGINE MAKERS


Page 86

p RODUCTIVITY has become such a current byword that misconceptions as

to its true meaning are already arising in many quarters and not least in transport. One such basic misconception is that,...

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must it die at dawn?

not if you use Conoco Conoco Dery takes the agonising suspense out of starting from cold. It keeps flowing when the others...

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Jew load transfer device for touternan II . . as

good as louble drive for getting out if trouble but far cheaper! HOW IT WORKS Two rotochambers are mounted on the centre rear...

Page 93

-licence operators, however, he was disappointed that the Minisr of

Labour had not seen fit to include their section of the dustry within the scope of the board, despite the qualification at...

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HIAB Cranes

E RRY-MOUNTED cranes have long ceased to be novelties and they become more numerous every day, although there seems to be some...

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)ock levellers

At the huge tea-blending factory of the English and Scottish ant Co-operative Society in Leman Street, London, I was most...

Joloda enthusiast

It is somewhat rare nowadays to meet a factory manager who so runs transport operations "on the side". Such a man is Mr. . G....

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Mobile loading bank

When 1 called at the storage and distribution depot of Allied Ironfounders Ltd. at Welwyn Garden City, transport manager Mr. W....

Heavy-duty cranes

Much heavier lorry-mounted cranes, the Atlas 5000, capable of carrying 6 tons at short radius, have been used by George Wimpey...

Reach trucks 'indispensable'

It may surprise readers to know that despite the vast sales of lurid paperbacks, the Bible is still the world's best seller. At...

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By DEREK MOSES Bures independent maintains trunk service from Colchester to Bury on minimum of return M ANY country busmen,...

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Atkinson does it again

THE determination of ATKINSON LORRIES (HOLDINGS) to top the previous year's results and their capacity annually so to do are...

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QOMEWHERE or other in the north of England there is bound to be at least one operator who makes it his business to carry coals...

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vREEDOM of choice is a cardinal principle underlying the use of ancillary vehicles by trade and industry. Having a need for...

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A YEAR ago I expressed anxiety that the Diploma in Road Transport. organized by the Royal Society of Arts. had an examination...