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An extended adoption of mechanical power in connection with transport undertakings, whether by road or rail, has always given...
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The French Club is setting a worthy example to Piccadilly as regards maintained activity over its commercial motor trials. The...
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The L.G.O. Co., Ltd., has just taken delivery of two Leyland buses from the Lancashire Steam Motor Co., Ltd. An announcement...
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It must be apparent to the most casual observer that many of the existing highways of this country are sadly in need of...
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How great the future needs of London are likely to become may be inferred from the figures put forward by Mr. Edgar Harper, the...
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In our issue of April 27th, allusion was made to the new motor wagon wheel which has been put on the market by Messrs. Stagg...
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The Improvement of London Traffic. The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir,—In your issue of the isth inst., I notice that...
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The use of motors in connection with agricultural pursuits appears to be extending. It already embraces tractor haulage for...
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From the" Deutsche Kohlenzeitung," official organ of the Central Association of German coal dealers, we extract the following...
T. M. (Edinburgh) writes :—" I have been a driver of steam wagons for some considerable time, and greatly interested in them. I...
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No. x6,/it, dated July 20th, 1904 A. Carolan, 83, Cannon Street, London, of the General Electric Co., U.S.A.-This invention...