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In 1902, on the occasion of the Coronation of His Majesty King Edward VII, there were no motorcabs, fewer than twenty...
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That Marshall's view is, the more the merrier. That the Foster brew of tea is fully up to standard. Of a new jointed wooden...
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Latest Particulars about Messrs. Shoolbred's Motorvans. By One of the Partners. We have 56 motorvans on the road at the...
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By a Manchester Contributor. It was announced, earlier in the year, that milk dealers, owing to the increased cost to them,...
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Summary of Proceedings at June Meeting of General Committee. The monthly meeting of the General Committee of the Commercial...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. Dear Sir,—I enclose copy of a letter which has today been forwarded to the members of the...
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Some further attempt is being made to secure licences from the Cromer Urban District Council for taxicabs to ply for hire in...
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The arrangements for Torquay's new motorbus service are well in hand. Tillings first new petrol-electric bus is now in service...
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This iournal is admitted to possess the influence, the men, the standing and the leading circulation. It is exclusively read by...
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the Royal Show, at Norwich, which is a relief after the Coronation samples. The attendance is never very great on the First...
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The :aa empanying Lou pages of illustrations will serve te educate new readers. They hear eloquent if silent testimony to the...
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Up to a couple of years ago, not more than half a dozen nianufacturers in this country had given any serious attention to the...
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First Complete Report from the Showyard: Plan of Stands on Page 369. The 72nd annual exhibition of the Royal Agricultural...
Allchin. (Stand No. 81.) Ready access to the driver's footplate and all the working parts, and ease of manipulation are the...
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Anglo-American Oil Co. (Stand': No. 357. Pratt's " Perfection and the wellknown " Taxibus " spirits, which latter is so...
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Tire Guarantees. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [1,383] Sir,—We notice a letter signed " Hadsom " in THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR,...
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An Insurance Query. [1,830] " SECRETARY " writes :---" I should he much obliged if you could inform me of a reliable office...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for any thing else published. Save...
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Selected Information which is likely to be of Interest to Makers, Owners, and their Buyers. A New Chain-drive Application....
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...