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T HE Royal Show brings us around once more to the annual review of the position of power in agriculture. Rapid and great...
I T is the practice of those haulage contractors who concern themselves with beet transport to reserve certain vehicles...
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other to encourage the employment of suction-gas producers, and for some years has held extensive trials annually. Despite...
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That something must be done to eliminate the glaro from concrete surfacing. That the Pagefield refuse-collection system deals...
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by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it...
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Motors Guard Liverpool's Health. In the annual report of the Liverpool medical officer of health, information is given by the...
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A LL classes of motor-vehicle user will be interested in the new ferry service which was recently inaugurated. between North...
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IN PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent GOVERNMENT REPLY. PETROLEUM PRODUCTION BILL. T HE House of Commons...
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Research Carried Out by Oxford Agricultural Engineering Institute Has Proved of Great Value. Many Important Recent Innovations...
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BODIES for many purposes Catering for the Needs of the General Farmer, the Livestock Breeder, the Market Gardener and the...
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Pneumatic Tyres on Tractors C ONS1DERABLE progress has been made during the past few years in the development of pneumatic...
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F ARMERS are finding more and more use for motors and less and less us a for horses. The tractor is replacing the horse on the...
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HILLMAN'S NEW ESSEX AIRPORT OPENED. In the week to June 22, Hillmans Airways, Ltd., carried 170 passengers on the London-Paris...
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The Farmer of To-day Cannot Do Without the Haulier, from Whom He Needs Service Involving the Use of Many Types of Vehicle By...
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, P for holding a series of goodstransport operators' meetings in various towns in Yorkshire, under the auspices of the Road...
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The 24th Article of the Series in which We Answer Typical Questions on Different Subjects Resulting from the Passing of the...
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Farmers are Demanding a Standard of Efficiency Never Before Required and Price is Becoming a Secondary Consideration By D. N....
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An Ingenious Jennings Body for Cattle, Livestock, Horses and General Merchandise Mounted on a Dennis Chassis Q NE of the most...
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Contracts for the Forthcoming Season are Now Being Made: This is the Time to Devise Means for Diminishing Congestion M OST...
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CULTURAL SHOW A Review of the Machines and Appliances of Interest to the Agriculturist to be Displayed, and in Some Cases...
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A Simple and Effective Brake With Many Interesting Features A N automatic trailer brake, combining the advantages of both the...
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Are the Railways Trying to Create a Monopoly? Regulations Governing the Lighting of Overhanging Loads THOSE RAILWAY OBJECTIONS...
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commercial motors for the conveyance of horses is a development which cannot fail to have impressed all those who, at any time,...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications C OMPLIANCE with official regulaLions often limits the designer in his...
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Harvest Time Emphasizes the Vital Need for Efficient Methods, and the Advantages of Mechanization are Clearly Shown I T has...
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Over 100 Hauliers Attend an Important Meeting at Paign ton O VER 100 hauliers, drawn from a 50-mile radius, attended a meeting...
Governing the Classification and Lighting of Vehicles, Drivers' Licences and Speeds 1 — IN Monday next, July 2, Parts 2, 3,...
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A Resurnj of the Two Papers Read at the Conference of the Municipal Tramways and Transport Association Which Ends To-day in...
A T the outset of his paper on the above topic, Mr. Vane Morland says that, since relatively few towns can rehouse their...
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T HEpaper by Mr. W. Allan Irvine, the publicity superintendent of Glasgow Corporation's transport department, opens with a few...
B EFORE the House of Commons. approached the report and thirdreading stages of the Road Traffic Bill, the Motor Legislation...
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OLDHAM'S HIGHER BUS PROFIT. 1 N the year ended March 31, 1934, the 53 buses in the service of Oldham Corporation were operated...
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A N interesting loading device particularly adaptable for use by ; f armers has been invented by Mr. Alastair C. Stewart, of...
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Points from the Discus sions on Papers am Observations on the Nei4 Vehicles and Appliance. at the Demonstration Some...
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The Annual Report of the British Road Federation Clearly Points to the Value of this Important Organization FrIE annual...