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D ESPITE repeated appeals in the House of Commons for the release of fuel to enable a partial reinstatement of coach services...
R.H.A. Area Chair"T 'HE chairman of the Devon man Gives Strong 1 and Copnwall Area of R.H.A., Mr. J. R. F. Bradford, has...
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The prophecy that more things and fewer people .will be tight in the next 12 months. Sobering talk about the army the U.S A....
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PRESSING FOR A FUEL ISSUE FOR COACHES L AST week, a deputation from the Passenger Vehicle Operators Association met Sir...
nNE of the practical aspects of the link-up of association interests as now represented by the National Road Transport...
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News • Bulletin, ' the National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses says, concerning transport policy, that all...
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MR. W. G., E. DYER is contesting the Daventry Division in the Liberal interests at. the forthcoming. General Election. He is...
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A s r travel along our roads I sometimes find myself wondering, on contemplating certain road works, just how they came about....
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FOR THE POLICY OF FREE ENTERPRISE WE hope that the small hauliers especially understand that this election may be their last...
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I N our issue dated May 25., we gave our impressions. of the performance of the Dennis Lancet III oil-engined single deck bus...
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A T ajoint meeting of the I.A.E. held on Wednesday last, a symposium of papers was read, the subjects covered being " Roads,"...
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Q LATE a number of operators, thinking of after-thewar prospecte has, surprisingly as it seems to me, turned it thoughts to the...
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A N enterprise which. I think, is unique in Mehl try was inaugurated at the beginning of last winter by F. Perkins, Ltd., of...
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Extra Scavenge Stroke A N engine which is claimed to possess a favourable power weight ratio is shown in patent No. 568,375,...