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body design is clearly shown by our general comments on coach -construction and by the separate account of - the achievements...
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A Neglected Field. How the Coaches can be Filled from the Cinemas and Other Forms of Amusement. W HO ARE the competitors of...
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That Drumraonds do not hail from Fife. That it is a topping time for tippers just Dow. Of pioneer motor coaches and back...
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The wheel of wealtlt will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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The Case of Commercial Veh!cles. By Lieut.-Col. A. Hacking, D.S.O., M.C., General Secretary Motor Legislation Committee. T...
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The System of One of the Large Motor Coach Concerns Described in Detail, Showing the Manner of Obtaining and Recording...
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T T IS impossible to ignore the fact that this year a great demand has arisen for a much smaller type of charit-bancs than...
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OR COACH SEASON. A Difficult Period in Which the ( Providers of Amusement and Pleasu :tor Has an Advantage Over Other e...
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Comparisons of Cost and Utility. T HE MOTOR COACH is no exception to the general rule to the effect that the larger the unit...
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The Opening of the Season of Road Travel, which Promises to Maintain the Supremacy of the Motor Coach as the Ideal Form of...
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O WING TO its central position amid scenes of historical interest and picturesque beauty, Torquay presents excellent facilities...
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ICKFORDS, LTD., are in the forefront in connection with motor coach touring in this country, and they have undoubtedly done...
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T HE REMARKABLE success which • has attended the motor coach tours organized by Pickfords, Ltd., in this country—which, by the...
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T HE RICHMOND TRANSPORT Co., of Bradford, have standardized, on Harrier motor coaches, and when a representative of The...
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A LTHOUGH to the man in the street the amazing popularity of motor coaching seems quite a post-war development, those at the...
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C HAPMAN AND SONS, 1, Victoria Place„ Eastbourne, claim to be the largest motor coach proprietors on the South Coast, and the...
0-OPERATIVE societies throughout the couhtry are big users of motor coaches, and Plymouth is no eXcep - am/ to the rule. The...
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G RANGE-OVER-SANDS is admirably located as a touring centre for trips to the Lake District, and the Grange Motor and Cycle Co.,...
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A New Idea in Lorry Conversion. I N OUR last week's issue, we briefly referred to i sectional type of motor coach body which...
A LTHOUGH most of those people who travel by motor coach do so in order to enjoy the scenery and beauties of the district...
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Differentiating Between the Summer and Winter Seasons. Fares That Should . be Charged to Secure a Reasonable Profit. By "The...
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Particularly Addressed to Those Who are Replacing Horsed Vehicles by Motors, or Contemplating So Doing. T HERE are a certain...
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The Attitude of Farmer and Dealer in Worcestershire. The Importance of a Maintenance System. I CALLED the other deg on Geo....
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By "The Inspector. T HE FIFTEENTH of this long and successful series of Parades will, as has been announced in the columns of...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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TEN SIIIL.LINCS is paid to the sender of any letter which we publish on this page, and an EXTRA SHILLINGS to the sender of the...
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A ReAnne of Recently Published Patents. Designers of touring ears were quite a long time in evolving what is called the "...