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T HE di ffi culty has always faced the pioneer of a new type of vehicle that the schedule of licences under the Finance Acts...
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fINE learns from Merthyr-Tydfil that the scrap market is very dull, owing, no doubt, to the activities of housewives in...
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A Cornish Coach Absorption. The National Omnibus and Transport Co., Ltd., which recently acquired the Cornwall Motor Transport...
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W HEN one deals in any way with the subject of horseboxes, the name of Messrs. Vincent of Castle Street, Beading, immediately...
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T EM number of American chassis on the British market compared with that of only a few years ago is small. It is only those...
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The health committee of the Msnasixa rlorporation has decided to invite quotaions for the supply of a motor tmbulance....
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T HE Secretary for Mines, Commodore King, states that there are at least eleven different systems of low-temperature...
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An American Vehicle with Many Interesting Features, Including Duplicate Controls at Each Side of the Centre of the Chassis. A...
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In his annual report for the past mtfuicipal year, Mr. I. Bulfin, the tramways manager of the Bournemouth Corporation, states,...
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A Novel Water Accumulator Device, the Use of Which Greatly Expedites Ram Movement. I N PRESSING solid tyres on to or off their...
T "list of exhibitors at this year's Show to be held at Nottingham from July 10th-14th by the Royal Agricultural Society of...
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The Organization which Bu ids Build Over Bus Body Per Day and Could if Required. T HE task which faces the engineering...
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F OR using a heavy locomotive in Manchester without a third man in attendance and at a speed greater than two miles an hour,...
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Details of the Work of the Cleansing Department and of the Vehicles and Appliances Employed. T HEproblem of maintaining...
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TN the new design for end-tipping gears with long screws, 'recently brought out by Walters and Co., of Albert Street, Rugby, an...
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The Conclusion of the Case for the Promoters and the Opening of the Case for the Opposition. p RESSURE of space in our Special...
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B LACKPOOL motor-coach owners are making an earnest endeavour to settle, once and for all, the evil of low rates. It will be...
What Has Been Accomplished by an Enterprising Dublin Motorbus Company. T HE most revolutionary step in the development of...
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Details of a Dennis Municipal Vehicle with Several Interesting Features. A N illustration which we produce on ,..this page...
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A N investigation by the Ministry of Transport into appeals made by the Cardiff City Council for sanction to extend its...
1 - VrEMBERS of the parliamentary _IN_Lcommittee of the Oxford Corporation recently had an interview with representatives of...
T HE Portheawl (Glam.) Urban District Council has received a generous offer from 19. local resident, Mr. Maurice Walker, to...
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Valuable Advice on Every Phase of Ford Transport which will Appeal to the Owner, Driver and Repairer. 585.—An Emergency...
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Relating to Ball and Roller Bearings and Their Housings. I N a somewhat long letter, " of Glasgow, raises some interesting...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications. T HE name of Louis Renault appears in patent No. 282,018, which...