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goods clearing-houses, constantly put forward by numerous supporters for several years past, has, during the last few days,...
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I N A. RECENT ISSUE one of your contributors ex-pressed very clearly his opinion to the effect that the steam wagon and tractor...
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That breakfast is better than bullets. Transport Tanks Trouble for the Teutons. That interest in loading trucks or detachable...
By "The Inspector." I T IS A WEEK o s r two ago since I Wrote under the alliterative, if not very allifring title "Petrol and...
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"The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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British Magneto Activity. The manufacture of efficient magnetos in anything approaching quantities was, in pre-war days, to...
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No. 2.âThe Garage and Its Equipment J UST AS A PROPERLY arranged house is essential to a human being who wishes to live a...
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Where the Way for the Light Lorry is Hard. WE ARE ABLE, on this page, to give three very interesting illustrations of a Star...
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Some Considerations Bearing Upon the Selection of the Most Suitable Size of Commercial Motor Vehicle, and Showing the Relations...
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Novel Removable Wagon Body Used by the Midland Railway. I N OUR ISSUE of 9th March, 1916, we drew attention to the novel and...
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What American Makers Are Doing : What British Makers Are Noti Doing (From Our Australian Correspondent.) F OLLOWING on years...
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I N AN EDITORIAL in our issue of 8th November we strongly advocated the manifestation of a sPirit of conciliation among...
Recent DevelopmentsâCompression ProblemsâIs It Safe ? Since Ties COMMERCIAL MOTOR introduced the Wood-Milne cylinder, with...
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A striking illustration of the contribution offered by coal-gas. towards the country's petrol extended by Road Motors, Ltd:,...
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Spuds, Spikes and Strakes. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [1557] Sir,---Writing in your paper on. "Tractor Wheels," Mr....
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Who Selects and Who Orders ?âAll Purposes v. Single UnitsâWeight to Powerâ Government Ploughing in South WalesâAlldays...
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A PRIZE OF TEN skru,LrATGs is awarded each week to the sender of the best letter which we publish on this page ; all others are...
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A Three-jet Paraffin Carburetter. The main claim which is made by Henry Garner, of Alcester -Road, Birmingham, .in...