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ON THE ROAD OWE VER excellent transport facilities from the factory may be and however well placed service depots are, the...
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Recognized in Business Circles as the Leading Journal. The Authority on all foerris of Mechanical Road Transport. Largest...
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W E have often to ourselves expressed the wish that foreign inventors were not so devilishly clever, or that devilishly clever...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difflcultios of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
Talking with Mr. Henry Garner at the Show, he told us that all the expectations of himself and his brother, Mr. Parker Garner,...
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The Merthyr Tydfil Council is to enlarge its bits fleet by the purchase of --three vehicles, two of which will be of luxury...
As a result of the economy they are able to effect in comparison with transport by UM there is a growing deniand for motor...
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The Ministry of Transport is to hold an inquiry into the appeal of Mr. B. J. Rutter against the refusal of the Paignton Urban...
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The popularity of the Se'Alex sign is clearly indicated by the number of vehicles which is to be seen in use carrying signs of...
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The annual report of the general manager of the tramways department of the Salford Corporation shows that during the year ended...
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The Transport Lighting Bill. Better Signposting Asked For. A Roundabout for the Victoria Station District in London. Level...
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9 - THE question of permitting advertisements in Lon1. don taxicabs is being consideted by the Committee appointed by the Home...
The health committee of the East Ham Corporation recommends the purchase of a Morris-Commercial motor ambulance. The housing...
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Dealing Mainly with Pointers in Design which May Not Have Been Observed by the Non-technical or Hurried Visitor. fr HIS...
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The Latest Development in the Passenger Transport World is the Longdistance Coach. Several Types are on View at Olympia and...
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Details of the Collection and Delivery System of Britain's Largest Laundry Organization. 0 NE of the most highly organized...
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Successful Start of the Steam Transport Association. A VERY useful beginning was made with e new association of commercial...
Our Colombo correspondent informs us that interesting figures regarding motor vehicles in Ceylon have just been supplied by the...
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A Well-deserved Recognition of the Good Work of the Secretary of the C.M.U.A. T HE lunch which, on Wednesday last, was g iven...
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The Modern Tendency Towards Refine' Productive of Complication. An Exai Induced a Qualified Writer to Discuss t Full Provision...
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, An Unsettled Point in the Design of the Rigid-frame Six-wheeler. T FIE transmission of power to the two axles of the bogie...
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Body. Equipment for the Builder, the Glass Merchant and the Livestock Dealer. Constructional Features which are Essential. A...
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Useful Morris and Morris-Commercial Vehicles Displayed by Stewart and Ardern, Ltd. A LTHOGH mainly intended to interest...
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Interesting Views Expressed in a Joint Meeting of the Institute of Transport and the I.A.E. d rAN Tuesday last there was a...
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The Spontan Automatic Infinitely Variable-speed Transmission Mechanism, Giving Utter Simplicity in Driving. T HE Spontan...
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I N a report on the new Corporation Act, the Parliamentary Committee of the Newcastle Corporation states that the Bill was...
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A Transference of Part of Olympia to the Doors of the User. Interest in the Steam Wagon Greatly Intensified by the 400-mile...
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A Comparison of English Ash with American Ash, with a Reference to the Kiln-drying of Timbers., By a Timber Salesman. M Y...
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Arguments in Support of the Fact that -Money Spent in Upkeep is Money Well Spent. T "proprietor of a passenger 'vehicle is...
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It is well known that washing and cleaning are easier the Sooner they are done. If the job be left until the next morning the...
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The Broadest and Most Difficult Problem of All—Deciding What Line to Take Up in the Haulage Contracting Business. I T is only...
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Timbers for Commercial Motor Bodies. The Editor, TEE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [2646] Sir,—I was very interested in the article in...
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Valuable Advice on Every Phase of Ford Transport which will Appeal to the Owner, Driver and Repairer. 557.—Relining...
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T EE cone clutch is still capable of holding its own, if wo may judge from the fact that such a well-known name as that of...
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THE Sentinel DG 6 meets the r92.8 needs of all those who have heavy goods to carry. It has great speed, phenomenal...