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Last week's decisions of the Court of Appeal (King's 3ench Division), by which, as reported already in this ournal, two leading...
It is somewhat early to assert that the British War Office is a laggard in respect of mechanical transport, but Germany is wide...
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We are glad to observe the growing tendency on the part of Municipalities to take into account the changed conditions of modern...
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Silence, as a desirable characteristic of things in general in the mechanical branches of the automobile work!, has become, in...
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The discussion that was commenced on the 15th instant, after the reading of a paper at the Royal Automobile Club, by Mr....
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The Southampton Town Council has declined the offer of the London Electrobus Company, Limited, to initiate a service of...
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This journal fosters, represents, and chronicles commercial motoring in all its branches; it has the largest and best...
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An Unfortunate Disproportion in Representation and Voting. (Continued from page 132.) The first International Road Congress...
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With the passing oi the Motor Act of 1896, which legalised the used of the automobile, the roads in this country saw the...
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Foundations of Roads.* .laving had occasion to examine-the foundations and sub1 of roads in various English counties, the...
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Electric Cabs in Germany. I learn that electric cabs are being in with financial success, at Munich, the Nliinchener...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on side...
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Ten Shillings Weekly for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for anything else published....
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BEARINGS.—Mair and Another.—No. 3,747, dated 31st December, 1907.—This invention relates to anti-friction bearings in which...