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F OR those who cannot possibly visit the Commercial Motor Show, which opens next Thursday at Earls Court, this issue and the...
1 of to-day is sometimes almost past belief. It is eviaent in a good many directions, but in none so much as in his apathy...
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. A WRITER in the September issue of the Institute of Consulting Motor Engineers, referring to the influence of design on...
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On Wednesday, the Appeal Tribunal announced its decision to allow the appeal of Mr. Edwin Clark, of Aveley, against the...
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WHAT is regarded in road-transport Iflf circles as a reversion to the railway interests' original line of attack in the Smart...
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An overloading summons, which, by its unexpected result, is likely to prove of far-reaching importance to heavyvehicle...
Bexhill Corporation Is to Purchase a van for the parks department. Litherland - Urban District Council requires a 2-3-ton...
A N allegation that an operator had lost his milk carrying because a large dairy concern had offered to do the work at ed, per...
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Rail Inquiry Agent Gives Evidence Against Haulier I N its October 15 issue, The Commercial Motor, on the information of a...
A S an aid to both loading and unloading operations, the moving floor is now definitely established. A new entrant to the ranks...
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by C. W. Reeve, CB .E., Chairman and Managing Director, The Associated Equipment Co., Ltd. A More Broad-minded Legislative...
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R. C. Rootes, Gloomy Predictions of Two Years Ago Disproved by Experiekce of Advanced Design and Sales R EMEMBERING the...
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Lt.-Col. A. G. Scammell, D.S.O., .Director of Seammell Lorries, Lid. Taxation by Gross Irea:ght would , Prevent Evasions,...
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AT ow for Government Encouragement by Col. D. C. McLagan Secretary, Society of Motor Manufacturers and' Traders Commercial...
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oi Ernest Bevin General Secretary, Transport and General Workers' Union. Adult Status of Road Transport Calls for Banishment...
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How the Exhibits at Earls Court will appeal to Various Classes of Visitor By Thc Editor NEXT Thursday will mark the opening,...
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Will See at Earls Court O NLY one new model will appear among the numerous exhibits to be found on the A.E.C. stand. This is...
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MUNICIPAL TRAMWAYS AND TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION Friday, November 5, at 10.15 a.m., in the Warwick Hall. Subject : "Oil Engines...
THE Commercial Motor Show will be held at Earls Court from November 4-13. It will be open daily from 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. The...
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Our Bodybuilding Expert Suggests the Adoption in Coaches of the Tendency in Expensive Cars Towards the Flattening of Curves and...
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T HE occasion of the Commercial Motor Show virtually marks for most manufacturers the beginning of a new trading year, and it...
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By D. L. Clarke, 0.B.E., Chairman, Northern Ireland Road Transport Board (In an interview) N OW responsible for passenger...
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as portrayed by Show exhibits An outline of some of the outstanding features to be found on the goods and passenger models ,...
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TT is claimed that adequate retardaItion for vehicles weighing up to 20 tons laden can be obtained without utilizing a booster...
QOME 1,353 distributors and dealers of the Austin Motor Co., .Ltd., sat down to dinnerat Grosvenor House, on October 20, with'...
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/ F the problem of discovering a suitable formula for the value of impressed vehicles be difficult, that in relation to...
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ACCLES AND POLLOCK, LTD. . . ⢠. ⢠. 75 I N addition to siaging a trolleybus skeleton to illustrate this concern's...
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1 . 4 1XAMPLES of the Bramber Airlite wheel, Aupressed steel wheels, starter rin g s and many typo of vehicle, and other sprin...
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THE AYON INDIA RUBBER CO. , LTD. 427 COE of the most interesting of the tyres to be shown on this stand will be the Avon...
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Backed by Long Experience on the Continent, a Noted Ma k er Markets C ornplet e Vehicles Designed for Producer-gas Operation T...
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NK comments regarding the restrictions imposed on road passenger transport in London, in contrast with the freedom of operation...
QOME 60,000 workers are affected by 1.-7 the provisional agreement reached at last week's meeting of the Joint Industrial...
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How Rates Structure Could Be Built. Suggestions for improving on the T.A.C. proposals for rates stabilization were put forward...
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This section should prove of particular interest, in view of the general utillo nature of the equipment to be exhibited....
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P ATENT No. 471,934 comes from the well-known power-braking specialist, Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd., and S. H. Edge, both of...