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R 0 A D transport, as regards both the carSkimming the Cream Claimed to riage of passengers and be a Normal and Very Gerzeral...
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A N interesting commentary on the system employed in Russia for the payment of workers was published recently by "Soviet News."...
Rheumatic Diseases ACCORDING to the Empire Cause Tremendous Rheumatism Council, Loss in Industry . . 3,000,000 weeks of work...
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Apprehensive whispers from Paris. That S.T.R. and L.S.D. are Al and O.K. Of more marriages between bodies and chassis. Fewer...
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A LTHOUGH in the past 10 years / - 1. motor taxation has increased by nearly £10,000,000 a year, the amount spent on the roads...
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Transport Act, 1947, did not debar him from doing so, the Yorkshire Licensing Authority, Major F. S. Eastwood, has granted a...
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MR, James K. WEER has been elected a director of the Dunlop Rubber Co.. Ltd. Ma. J, M. RILLANE has been appointed overseas...
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Counsel for the Haulier CONSIDERED advice, of value to every haulier, was given by Mr. E. Gilbert Woodward, M.A., B.C.L., in...
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K EEN interest is centred on the new range of Morris cars announced this week, and it is a matter of conjecture whether this...
with a new puncture-resisting compound were conducted, last week, before Press representatives. A 34 by 7 tyre fitted to a...
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N EW workshops of Praills Motors, Ltd., which were opened at Holman Road, Hereford, on October 21, are to be devoted...
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B EFORE the war, the Societe des Usines Chausson made 80 per cent, of all radiators fitted to French motor vehicles, private...
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NATIONALIZED A T September 30, the British Transport Commission had acquired more than 150 road haulage undertakings out of a...
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Oil Filtration AR in an internal-combustion /EAR is brought about, principally, by the action of fine' particles of abrasive...
of plant and accessories is closely followed in the new Spray-More portable compressor and spray unit by Uni-Gun Lubricating...
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By Ashley F. Taylor, A.I.R.T.E. A T first, the passing of the National Fire Service early this year and the reversion of fire...
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By Col. A. jerrett, President, Traders' Road Transport Association TO the C-licence operator the Commercial Motor A Show must...
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V ISITORS to Clifton Suspension Bridge and Clifton Downs are now served with refreshments from an attractive mobile buffet...
'THE following have asked to be added 1 to our list of concerns giving special service for commercial vehicles:— Garlick,...
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By P. A. C. Brockington T HE export drive is compelling manufacturers to attempt to reach the opposed objectives of supplying a...
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and all that By Major E. H. B. Palmer, O.B.E. W AR.S and rumours of war notwithstanding, within the next 18 months 1 expect to...
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to the trader Powerful Arguments in Favour of the Use by Traders of Hauliers' Services, in Preference to Running their Own...
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D ETAILS of the Foden two-cycle, high-speed oil engine make extremely interesting reading, but I am going to be so bold as to...
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Results of investigations at Thornton Research Centre into Performance and Properties of Fuel for Oil Engines T is now known...
Regulations, 1947, have been atnended by a new set of Regulations, which comes into operation on December 1. The new instrument...
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A Regard of Recently Published Patent Specifications 'THE success of the gas turbine in air1 craft is already encouraging...