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a Coronation Visitors. The Commercial Motor Users Association, on Tuesday of last week, made an important Press announeement...
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News cont, iindions are invited: payment will be. made OA publication. A• -sing mit of a recent taxicab acide ei e iemplaints...
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That our star should be a bigger one. Of newcomers in, and outgoets from, the fire-engine world. • * * Nothing, nowadays,...
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A Possible Method of Reducing the Cost of Production for All Kinds of Toothed Gearing. Nearly four years ago, when the...
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Ignition troubles are now comparatively infrequent. The bogie of a few years ago has been successfully eliminated....
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News contributions are invite: payment will be made on publication. Shrewsbury Corporation is interested in the possibilities...
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The proniot-Jrs of the suggested r■vistal motorbus scheme, ivilIcti aas it in our last is.sne, are not yet in a positism to...
Mr. W. Hamlyn, Chairman of the Buekfastleigh U.D.C., is at the head of a movement to purchase a motor tire-engine for use in...
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This journal commands advertisement support upon terms which do not admit traders of inferior standing to its pages. Our Paris...
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By "The 5,M-a ctor" 3Iy good friend, Mr. W. J. McCormack, of Frome tires, thoughtfully invited me to the annual dinner of the...
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A Further Plea for Less-stringent Examinations of Taxi-driver Candidates. The supply of eligible motorcab drivers for London...
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For upwards of 50 years. Walker Bran. (Wigan), Ltd., has enjoyed a reputation for high-class workmanship in connection with the...
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Successful Exhibition but Few Business Vehicles. The fourteenth annual Scottish Show which opened at Li' linburgli, on Friday...
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:Shrapnel Splashguards. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. .3017 Sir,--This company xvishes it to be known that Messrs. H. J....
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Non-skid Chains for Solid Tires. 1 7t " REFINERS " write:—" Will you kindly inform its it there are any makers of non-skid...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for any thing else published....
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Selected Information which is likely to be of Interest to Makers, Owners, and their Buyers. Steam-wagon Wheels. The...
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...