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T HE field covered by road transport in' its many forms is of great interest; not only to those immediately engaged in it as...
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Area .Restrictions A STRONG plea for priority rt for public-service passen Buses ger vehicles was made recently Shoulti Not...
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That light metals will carry weight in post-war design. That in rarefied air aeroplane fuel "boils,' the bubbles starving the...
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MAKERS AND MATERIAL SUPPLIERS COLLABORATE - 110RiTISII makers of commercial L)vehicles and cars are, through the S,M.M,T.,...
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interests were all represented at a dinner, last week, on the eve Of the conference called with a view to settling differences...
a centralized tAcharging autho - r - it3i as an instrument for the stabilization of haulage rates by the road-transport...
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A N announcement by Sir Miles Thomas, D,F.C., vice-chairman of the Nuffield Organization, is to the . effect that any worker...
W E have already referred briefly to, the fact that thiS year 'marks the jubilee of Dennis Bros„ Ltd. This company is, however,...
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W ITH the sole object of improving my conception of the advantages alleged to be gained by joining one • of the existing...
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HE long, dreary way of negotiations having been traversed and many road-blocks successfully over, come, the National Road...
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I N its immediate post-war programme, the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., will offer six basic types of commercial vehicle. Two are...
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T HE earlier war-time bus bodies, both single and double-deck types, were built with single-skin roofs made of steel. In...
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I N a previous article I referred to the regulations controlling the operation of taxicabs in London, and it was then stated...
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IF an air filter be diffic,ult to clean, there is less likelihood of the job being attempted, TO produce an effective lter...