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T HE attitude which we have adopted towards the nationalization of road transport ever since this Socialist policy was first...
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H IDING one's light under a bushel may be as wasteful and extravagant as burning the candle at both ends. In neither case is...
The Change Made by rINE of our occasional Bass was not so ‘ft" correspondents writes as Bitter follows: "The always refresh ing...
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A query as to when another Trojan Horse will be seen. That its load capacity would presumably be given in Troy weight....
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1311 ROCESSIONS of haulage I vehicles in protest against the revocation of original permits and to arouse interest in the...
A NOTHER increase in the prices of f"1 new vehicles is foreshadowed by rising tyre costs. On January 1, the price of tyres...
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F EARS of some hauliers that the control of groups may fall into the hands of the powerful few, are allayed by Mr. R. Morton...
T HE annual report of the Ulster Transport Authority for the second year of its operations ended September 30, 1950, shows a...
THE Accident Offices Association has / accepted the principle that operators of A-licence vehicles confined within a 25-mile...
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MR. KEITH NOBLE has left England to join the engine service team of F. Perkins, Ltd., in Australia. MR. E. P. HOLMES has been...
D R1V ATE hauliers in Eire are prepared to consider a plan to take over the road traffic now handled by Coras Iompair Eireann,...
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N liMEROUS small operators, particularly in the East and West Midland Traffic Areas, as well as operators of long:-distance...
A STATEMENT that any application by a State-owned coach company to run tours to London for the Festival of Britain would not be...
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IT is probably too much to hope that this will silence all the uninformed criticism which is ventilated at fre q uent...
be converted for use by lon g -distance road transport has been made by Mr. H. C. C. Carlton, chairman of Notts County Plannin...
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D ETAILS were given in "The 1.-- , Commercial Motor" on January 5, of delays in the shipment of goods overseas becanse of the...
cINES totalling £408, with £74 - Hs. costs, were imposed last week by Neweastle-on-Tyne magistrates at the conclusion of the...
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T WO months' efforts by the Northern area of the Road Haulage Association to arran g e an interview with the northern g roup of...
A DUPLICATE set of drivin g con fI is provided on the outside of a Morri s -Commercial FV 12/5 refuse collector whieh has...
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Trailing his Coat By JANUS N OT much was new in the recent account of British Road Services given by Lord Hurcomb. He was...
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'ortia a Drum oking Factory A Mobile Works which Produces 1,000 10 - gallon Drums Per Day and Provides Full Amenities for...
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By L. J. COT M.I.R.T H ow often does a bus driver change gear? This question was once put to me and after an exhaustive...
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DROBABLY the first of its type to be put into production, a Fordson six-wheeled fire tender has recently left the works of J....
E VEN before 1913, upwards of 300 patents had been granted covering gas turbines. This fact is revealed in The Industrial Gas...
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A SYSTEM of carrying liquids in bulk in vehicles other than tankers, using special containers which can be easily .nianceuvred...
trucks without the assistance of ramps may find wider applications in dealing with other kinds of traffic. The tipping gear...
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By P. G. TUCKER I T is fairly common knowledge that extensive research has been conducted in this country in the search for...
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A LOCOMOTIVE arrived at rAWaterloo last week from Glasgow, having been shipped to Surrey Commercial docks, London, and thence...
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DATENT No. 647,687, which comes from C.A.V., Ltd., Warple Way,* London, W.3, shows a design for a multi-cylindered injection...