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T HIS week we publish the names of the prizewinners in our competition for ideas which will promote the safety` of passenger...
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lop EFERENCE back to official announcements liiconcerning the proceedings and programme of the Royal Commission on Transport...
w E feel that we are justified in taking unto ourselves a measure of credit for the success which the British six-wheeled...
temporarily put out of commission in wet weather due to jamming of the windowwinding mechanism, some of the windows being stuck...
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Too much of some motor mowers. Of more parcelcars on the stocks. And of one or two which should be in them. Some harsh words...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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United Automobile Services, Ltd., to be Bought Out by Tilling and British Automobile Traction, Ltd., and the London and...
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W ITH so robust a chassis as the model AA Ford there is, to some users, always a temptation to overload it, whilst others find...
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BUS BODY A LTHOUGH the nightly cleaning of a bus is now carried out more efficiently than formerly, owing to the use of...
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O N Tuesday next, July 9th, at Harrogate, the Annual Show of the Royal Agricultural Society of England opens to the public, the...
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H ITHERTO the majority of conversion sets, by means _Lief which four-wheeled chassis may be transformed to the rigid...
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The works committee of the FULHAM Borough Council recommends the purchase of seven low-loading motor vehicles for refuse...
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For Promoting SAFETY On Passenger Vehicles O WING to the large number of entries received in The Commercial Motor competition...
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Describing Some Recent Products of a Concern which Has Paid Considerabie Attention to the Transport of Horses by Road. A...
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How a Daimler 28-seater Single-deck Bus Performed During a Run Through Several Midland Districts. A N interesting test was...
The annual conference of the Institute of Quarrying was opened at Brighton on Tuesday of last week by Sir Henry Maybury, the...
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Steel for Van Bodies, The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. • [2815] Sir,----Thanks for excellent Goods Transport Nutnber. In...
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TT is not so very long ago ithat rock-breaking and demolition Work were executed only by explosives and by manual labour with...
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O NE of the first points which strike the critical observer in connection with the Chenard-Walcker tractor and 10-ton trailer...
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Notes on Every Aspect of Coach and Bus Development. A NEW CROSS-COUNTRY SERVICE. The Opening-up of a Route which Connects...
Interesting Details of the Services of a Concern which is Standardizing on Leyland Single-Deckers. F URNESS is flat part of...
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Brief Details of a Bus and a Coach Body Mounted on a Popular Make of Cl.assis. T 114}3 demand for the JKL passenger chassis...
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Descriptive of a New Commer Coach the Body of which has been Constructed by a Manchester Concern. W . E have recently received...
O NE of the most striking and original works outings which has ever been organized was that which took place between Friday and...
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CIONSIDERABLE popularity has A.)been obtained, particularly in the north, by the Dearne 2i-8-ton sanitary tipping wagon, which...
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HAULIER and CARRIER TT is the duty of every busi ness man to ... watch his alarkets. — A haulier's market is, as I have...
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S EVERAL authorities in the tractor world a short time ago expressed the opinion that the track-laying type of machine had...
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Interesting Contributions from Maintenance Engineers, Drivers and Mechanics. Refacing Mushroom Valves with Accuracy. FINE of...
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Servo Brake rpHE brake described here is of the type in which a servo effect is produced by the friction of a certain part of...