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of Some Factors to Which Alien Commons was whether tion Should be Given When the Parliamentary Secretary to Considering Safety...
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S AFETY regulations formulated by the Interstate Commerce Commission of America require that drivers of commercial vehicles...
The Gets -TALKING, recently, with the Paid a Very Neat I managing director of a Compliment . group of companies engaged in...
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That, some ancient chariots had rear-view mirrors of polished metal. Views expressed that local authorities are ofteil " not...
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INSTITUTE COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES F URTHER to our reference last week to the •second meeting of • the organizing committee of the...
P RELIMINARY steps taken in the North-eastern Region to prepare for the posgibility of stopping certain roadhaulage traffics,...
T HE Sheffield and South Yorkshire Hauliers Association has decided not to merge into R.H.A. This. was decided at a committee...
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rERTAIN recommendations have '‘...-obeen made by the National Joint Industrial Council for the Road Bassenger Transport...
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Mr. Howes Wrote an Article "Heard in 'The House' to Which Mr. Quick Smith Replied Last Week. Now Mr. Howes Makes His Rejoinder...
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IN the design of the lighter types of delivery van, say, from 7 cwt. to 15 cwt., to be sold at such a price that even a man...
A Staff Man, Now an Instructor at a Mechanics' School, Offers a Few Overseas Impressions O NE of the erstwhile members of our...
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Duchess of Kent Impressed When Visiting the Champion Factory A N accompanying illustration shows H.R.H. The Duchess of Kent...
for some years, been used with success in gearboxes of both goods and passenger vehicles is the Simms, a product of Simms Motor...
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A Close Investigation .of the Reasons For and Against the Adoption of Particular Tread Patterns, and Their Influence on Tyre...
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" f AM not by any means pessimistic 1 about post-war conditions of transport: I am one of those who believes that the best has...
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Hauliers Should be Allowed to Charge Rates Based on Their Own Experience of Costs, Phis Their Views as to What is a Reasonable...
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A Pioneer of the Days of Steel Tyres and Woolleather Brike Blocks Gives Interesting Views on , Steam 'wagon Design • By R....
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications WHEN using a tractor for some VV special purpose it may render desirable...