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W HEN, recently, a C-licensee was convicted of using an unlicensed vehicle for hire or reward, it was because he had purchased...
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Pet uncan Fairlie C ONTRARY to widely held belief, Scotland does not export all her highly qualified scientists, technologists...
w E had to make a fight of it, of course, and there is little doubt but that the Licensing Authority is not impressed these...
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T HE question of whether or not a vehicle, illegally used, is covered by insurance, was successfully argued by Mr. T. H....
interest in the Lorry Driver of the Year competition, the executive committee is to meet next month to consider new tests for...
E.R.F. Build Petrol-engined Eight-wheeler A LTHOUGH a new maximum-capacity eight-wheeled tanker chassis announced earlier this...
were described as unwieldy and of no use in an emergency, by Mr. J. Pearson, managing director of Pearson (Hauliers), Ltd., at...
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T HE grant of a B licence to enable a large tipper operator to undertake contracts on any major civil engineering work would...
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Mr. Leonard R. Parker, who joined the fire engineering firm of Merryweather and Sons. Ltd., of Greenwich, in 1925 as an...
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From Our Industriai Correspondent A N attack on the way the Government propose to handle pipeline transport was made by Mr....
rrHE Transport Tribunal reserved its decision in London on Tuesday on an appeal by Griffiths Contractors, Ltd., of Pond Lane,...
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A SOMERSET haulage contractor was closely questioned about his profit and loss account when he applied to the Licensing...
transportation of hydrochloric acid or sodium hypochlo rite has been developed by Tough Plastics, Ltd., Weybridge, Surrey; and...
1– t A NEW branch of Security Express, Ltd., was opened at 314 Deansgate, Manchester, 3, on Wednesday. This is additional to...
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ONDON busmen are to continue to 1 -d press for a public inquiry into London Transport services, in spite of the refusal of the...
EAST AFRICAN ORDERS: East African Railways and Harbours Administration have ordered 22 Leyland Beaver trucks and six Scammell...
A LD. W. G. E. Dyer, leader of the 1-1 Conservative group on Nottingham City Council, has taken over the chairmanship of thi...
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THE appeal by L. Forrester and Sons. of Whixall, near Whitchurch, Shropshire, against the refusal of the West Midland...
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A N Ibsiock, Leicester, firm has had so much trouble with drivers failing to keep correct records of hours worked that time...
Mr. A. J. Ball, secretary of the Eiffel Foundry Company and Trumanns, said the vehicles in question would be used to carry...
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Vehicles U.S.A. a Year A RECENT entry into the Hon 4 •x 4 field is the International Harvester 'Co., U.S.A., who are now in...
XHIB1TORS of earth-moving equip ment at the Institute of Public Cleansing conference in Aberdeen (fully previewed on pages...
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Diversified Views on Rural Transport Problems at Institute of Traffic Administration Conference 1- 1 7 HE possibility that...
ri A NOVEL design of snow plough, in which the driving cab is located above the plough head and snow is discharged behind the...
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Vast Distances and Unbalanced Population Concentrations Complicate the Australian Remover's Operation, But Costs Remain...
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Possibility of One or Two Entirely New Vehicles at Next Week's Institute of Public Cleansing Conference in Scotland : Distance...
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NO 1 OF 6 CHECK A FITTED B iNG Time and trouble can often be saved by inspecting a ball or roller bearing before it is removed....
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Horse power at Wood Green Four Horses, Eight Containers, Two Mechanical Horses and Eighteen Men Operate One of the Cheapest...
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Rural Operator Finds Oil-engines More Economical When Employed on Short Distance Collections in Hilly Terrain. Fuel-cost Saving...
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Fully Mechanized Refuse Collection is the Aim in Multi-storey Flat Systems, But Creates Serio-us Problems in Public Cleansing...
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krs Fro 8.11 A Latest Leyland Octopus Models Availabk performance 200-b.h.p. Diesel Engines Corn, 'ice of "Economy"...
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by Charles S. Dunbar m.Inst.T. H AVING been brought up on the maxim "Keep the wheels turning," I found myself on strange...
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R EG1STRATIONS of new commercial vehicles in this country topped the 33,000 mark for the second time only in March, and settled...
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The Value of Any Saving in Manhours, the Need for the Tools . for . the Job from Spanners to• Vehicles, and the Case for Work...
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by JANUS S O much discussion on transport subjects has been taking place between experts on both sides of the Atlantic during...
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T HE new hand-operated Hartridgc injector nozzle Testmaster contains all the test facilities necessary to determine the...
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Now it's an 11-ton lorry, loaded in the usual way and driven by road to the railhead. Only 150 seconds to retract the road...
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The Effect of Specification on the 10 Items of Standing and Running Expenses Should be Carefully Examined When Considering the...
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A Ninjection pump in which the excess-fuel device for starting is controlled by the pressure of the fuel supply is disclosed in...