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I N June, 1930, the London and North Eastern Railway Co., which owns fish markets at Lowestoft that are approached only by...
I N recent years those engaged in the transport of passengers by means of coaches and buses have undergobe many trials and...
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B ESET as our industry is with legislative restric lions, it is not the only trade to suffer in this manner. Of this fact some...
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Of a need for detachable starting handles that cannot get lost. The prayer that coach tours will never be run on railway...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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MUNICIPAL TRAILERS AND THE NEW ACT. Tynemouth Transport Committee has decided to ask the Association of Municipal...
The watch committee of CHESTER Corporation is to consider the purchase of a fire-engine.. The gas committee of STOKE-ONTRENT...
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New German Oxy-acetylene Plant with Ingenious Nozzle Permits Cylinders to be Lined and Worn Parts to be Coated A N interesting...
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with a FINE PERFORMANCE S UCH a reputation as that enjoyed by Morris Motors, Ltd., is not built up without justification, nor...
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THE MIXING OF HOME-PRODUCED OIL WITH PETROL. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [42631 Sir,—With reference to an article in...
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it a ECHANICIANS and others on travelling fairs, etc., will appreciate the value of a simple and ingenious device evolved by a...
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A WELL-STAGED demonstration of the Scammell mechanical horse was given by the London and NorthEastern Railway Co., at its...
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IN PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent HYDROGENATION BILL. A FTER two sittings, the Standing Committee on...
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egular Air Services Planned for the Coming Season : the Advance on 1933 M ANY air-service plans are nearing completion, and...
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Air-line and Charter Operation Inseparable —Air-taxi Work Helps a Regular Service to Show a Profit T HE basic principles of...
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SSENGE MONOPLANE I N October last Short Brothers (Rochester and Bedford), Ltd., produced a new land aeroplane for five...
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prudent ithout Further Radio Facilities I S it wise to allow a network of air services to develop in Great Britain without the...
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T .. get first-hand information of the activities of Midland and Scottish Air Ferries, Ltd., we have visited Renfrew Aerodrome,...
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Three Geared and Ungeared Radial Units Suitable for Employment in Civil Aircraft T HE well-known Pobjoy R-type,...
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RAILWAY AGREEMENT ANNOUNCED. As anticipated in our issue for last week, it has been announced that the four main railway...
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W E print this week a further selection of the most interesting queries concerning the working of the licensing section of the...
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35-MILE RADIUS FOR PICKING UP SOUGHT. A N application having an important AN on the pre-booked-party question was submitted...
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B ASED on experience with an earlier AIbion, Dwyer and Company (Iraq), Ltd., Baghdad, has had built by Albion Motors, Ltd.,...
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S IIOWN in model form at the Faire de Paris, last spring, a new French oil engine with interesting possibilities has now been...
WHEN the Northern Ireland ParliaW ment reassembles shortly, it is likely that the Government will introduce a Bill to provide...
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p ROOF that the general improvement in the state of industry, which has been noted in these columns of late, is permanent, is...
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HAULIER 2nd CARRIER T HE prospect of having to keep records of journeys sword of Damocles. Prolonged suspense brought about by...
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P ATENT No. 404,018, from C. Bence, 43, Mayville Road, London, E.11, deals with a form of brake lever (or pedal) which when...