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T HE INTERIM REPORT of the Gas Traction Committee, published on Tuesday last, and now summarised in another part of this issue...
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Of hot-spots " in journalism. That Government beer is no luxury. Of the "gulping appetite" qf a gas bag. Of a great demand...
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"The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as -a carriage is tiy ' the...
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T HE GAS TRACTION COMMITTEE consisting of Sir Boverton Redwood (Petroleum Execti-• live), Major A. Cooper-Key (Home Office),...
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(1) Textile components. The textile components are to be , (a) Outer Texture.—A cotton. Wigan, preferably • dyed khaki....
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The Part Played by a Subsidiary but All-essential Branch of the M.T. Services. T O THE VAST MAJORITY of those at home the....
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Many attempts have been made from time to time to provide means whereby road shocks may be inter- cepted before reaching the...
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The Absence of Fundamental Changes or New Tendencies After an Abnotrnal Trial Period. . By "The Inspector." . , I SUPPOSE THAT...
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By "The Extractor." The Frood Way. A very striking example of the trend of opinion with regard to possible business dealings...
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Sufficient eisperience has been accumulated by farmers during the current ploughing season to bring • home the incontestable...
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Recent Developments, Improvements, Hints and Wrinkles. The Fog of Uncertainty. The steady stream of rules and:regulations...
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Defects and Damage that Disappear Under the Effects of a. Flame. T HAD HEARD so much, and read so much (such being the ways...
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connected with the liSe of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of the raper only and typewritten by preference....
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A PRIZE OF TEN SHILLINGS is awarded each week to the render of the best letter which we publish on this page,' all others are...
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Another Ford Conversion Unit. We have to record this week one more addition to the now long list of patented constructions...