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D O politics constitute a dis Industry . . ruptive influence in industry? A manufacturer in the north-west of England takes a...
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D ISCUSSIONS have been held between the Road Haulage Association and the Ministry of Transport regarding rates for the hire of...
D CISION in a case which, he said, 1-/"presented considerable complications involving matters of importance both as regards...
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Ti Transport Bill may be amended in the House of Lords to provide for c i n E mpensation to be paid to hauliers for cessation...
'THE Appeal Tribunal has laid down I the principles to be followed by Licensing Authorities in dealing with applications for...
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S QPEAK1NG at a dinner of the Motor Agents' at on April 23, the chairman, Mr. G. S. Payne, managing director of Hamilton...
MR. DEREK MACK, son of Mr. A. G. Mack, governing director of Mack's Hauliers, Ltd., has joined the board. MR. S. C. HAYWARD,...
the present time in face of the Economic Survey recently published by His Majesty's Government," stated Mr. W. T. James,...
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Q FFICERS elected at the recent % /annual general meeting of the north-east section of the Institute of Road Transport...
Repair and Maintenance Co., Leighton Buzzard, has been appointed an official service station for Maudslay vehicles. Road...
Stewart and Ardent,. Ltd., is paying an interim dividend of 20 per cent, in respect of the year to September 30 next Ford...
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A SHINING example of "the blundering incompetence . of the Ministry" was given by Miss Dorothy Crisp, chairman of the British...
plans for the evacuation of Government employees would have been put into effect and 1,640 London buses would have carried...
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I N its second annual report (1946-7), issued for the Traders' Road Transport Association by Colonel A. Jerrett chairman) and...
radius of operation to be granted to A and B licensees, if the Transport Bill becomes law, was demanded, particularly for...
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to the Reader T ° extend its library facilities even to the most remote corners of its extensive area, Enfield (Middlesex)...
B 'ASED on a Thames longwheelbase chassis, a mobile cinema has been added to the fleet of vehicles run by the Church Army. This...
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B ECAUSE of the shortage of building materials for permanent centres, Leigh Corporation has converted an old Leyland bus into a...
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One Model for Goods or Passenger Bodywork. Fivelitre Six-cylindered Engine Operates on Producer Gas By D. Scott-Moncrieff F...
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D ESCRIBED in The Commercial Motor," dated April 20, 1945, was a driver's cab hinged for maximum accessibility. A patent was...
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Asks Ashley F. Taylor Who Surveys the ,Difficulties Caused by Kerbside Terminals and Discusses the Financial Responsibility...
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that has been turned into a car park and will be properly laid out at some later date), make up a pleasant open expanse, one of...
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T HERE are no doubt many operators throughout the country who are awaiting delivery of A.E.C. Regent Mark III bus chassis, and...
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• The .6-litre A.E.C. Oil Engine Gives An Exceptionally Fine Performance In a Chassis Incorporating All That is Best in Modern...
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Period— Tribunal's Ruling IMPORTANT principles relating to 'the granting of licences during the present transitional period...
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r- r WO members of the staff of Albion Motors, Ltd.—Mr. J. A. Kemp and Mr, A. C. Macdonald—who recently returned from a visit...
cannot tolerate drivers working long hours, and this is happening in some areas. During the war we turned a blind eye to that,...
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ar — IOMPEI ENT authorities have said that one of the most 'Vital factors in industrial " 'efficiency is the movement of...
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Discussion at a Meeting of Coach Operators Reveals Extraordinary Ignorance . of the Principles of Costing and Assessing Charges...
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P ATENT No. 584,293 comes from C. Lamb and the Metropolitan-Cammelt Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., both of Metropolitan Road,...
lished Patent Specifications 25 per cent, less than the normal, yet giving the same load-carrying capacity. In addition, the...