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Next week's issue of this journal, dated the 9th inst., will be largely devoted to the publication of particulars and...
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Nothing more about the War Department's plaques for registered vehicles. That upwards of 50 owners have joined the C.M.U. A....
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Dinner at the Royal Automobile Club. Mr. Walter Long Makes an Epochmarking Speech. The tenth anniversary of the presentation...
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The motorbus business is booming in the Federated Malay States and, to a lesser extent, the Straits Settlements. New...
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The disappearance of the Jest horse of a stud which comprised nearly 18,000 animals but a few years ago must, without doubt, be...
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Our Editorial remarks in a recent issue, with regard to the London General Omnibus Co.'s intended sale of 900 superseded...
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This . journal is known to possess the influence, the staff, the standing and the leading circulatios. It is exclusively read...
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Coal-carting in the States is effected chiefly in bulk, and not in sacks. Hard coal is generally used in large cities, there...
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The " agent" looks like becoming a more important factor in the business of selling commercial vehicles, and the dinner of the...
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Mr. Frank Newton, of St. Giles ( aarage, Northampton, intends to aam two Napier taxicabs in that town. There will be no strike...
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. :.11.43 Manchester Brigade made tests of its Dennis and Morris engines on the 25th and 20th ult. These took place in Albert...
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Re the Width of Tires and Slrakes on an Old Wagon, and Re the Use of a Trailer with a Heavy Motorcar Registered before the 1904...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all sub,;,.cis connected with the hse of courtlier ial motors. Letters :hould he on one...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for any thing else published...
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...