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C ERTAIN applications for licences and appeals under the Road and Rail Traffic Act, .1933, are being prejudiced by faulty...
C OMPLAINTS are being received by us that k_..the inspection of goods vehicles in certain areas is becoming unduly severe. The...
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such numbers that it is easy to overlook some of the minor in an effort to comply with the more important. The results of...
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Of Aces ace-high in the west. British business men crying for faster air-transport services. That the commercial-vehicle...
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slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage Is by the roughness of the roads over which...
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A NEW tractor designed throughout to withstand hard usage, and adaptable to a Variety of purposes, has recently been placed.on...
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THE LATEST ARMSTRC \G -SAURER OIL ENGINES by Screened Inlet Valves 0 IL engines of the direct-injection type and those...
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A New Light Van rOR the rapid and economical trans]: port of small packages the threewheeled van is difficult to better,...
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IMPORTANT BRIGHTON DEVELOPMENT. I T is announced that the British Air Navigation Co., Ltd., has been granted a long lease of...
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E VERY WHERE. the search for new forms of construction which will permit the building of lighter vehicles is being carried...
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T HE reorganization of Harrier Motors Successors, Ltd., Harrier Works, Huddersfield, is steadily taking shape, although not yet...
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Perkins-engined 4-tonner T HE 1935 range of goods and passenger vehicles made by the Gilford Motor Co., Ltd., Brentside Works,...
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WHERE THE PETROL TAX GOES. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. 14413] Sir,—A letter from you was recently published in The...
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' BAKERS' VAN L, P ART from its load of bread, a baker's van carries flour, cakes arid pastries. The amount ;of such items as...
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T HERE are now in the Dennis range four distinct models based on the original 40-45-cwt. design. Three of these were exhibited...
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By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORT INTERROGATED. A s might have been expected, the recent...
T liE announcement that the Minister of Transport is considering the nationalization of classified roads in this country, so as...
Commercial Motor Users Association, the guests of Lord Nuffield, were conducted around the works of Morris Commercial Cars,...
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HAULIER and CARRIER I T is necessary to make clear, as a preliminary to this article, that I am—at present, at any rate—dealing...
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I N patent No. 416,676 is described an injection pump and multi-cylinder distributor having several novel features. Whereas in...