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Recognized in Business Circles as the Leading Journal. The Authority on all forms of 1\iUtor Transport. Largest Circulation....
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To What Extent Does That Policy Depend on the Premier's Position ? A GOOD MANY people must be wondering what are the motives...
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That the profiteers— That Paris Show again. stands are to be standardized That the flooring of railway carriages is . a new...
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Leyland Capital. The authorized capital of Leyland. Motors (1914), Ltd. is £400,000 in £1 shares, half of it being m. 6 per...
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At the .farewell banquet given by the African, Trade Section of the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce to Sir Hugh Clifford, prior...
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Owing to the difficulty often experienced in obtaining a taxi, it has been the practice amongst certain persons to make...
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A committee appointed by the Commissioner of Police has been sitting to consider the powers and duties of the police in...
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Does the Trolleybus Offer Advantages Over the Self-contained Petrol Vehicle ? I N THE MIDST of that extraordinary state of...
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The German Lorry in England. The First Class Habit. T HOSE OF US who were concerned with the very early days of the...
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A Four-speed and Reverse Gearbox of the Double Differential Type Controlled by Magnetic Clutches and Brakes. F EW PARTS of the...
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The Programme of a Busy Week. The plans for the trials of tractorsi being organized by .the Society of Motor . Manufacturers...
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Poor Roads and Primitive Methods of Transport in "The Fortunate Isles " ; A Predicted Fine Field for Makers of Commercial...
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How Motor Lorries Have Secured the Efficient Distribution of Supplies and • Prevented Waste. T HE FISH industry has...
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The Two Case Models. T HE PRODUCTS of the J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co. range from the 10 - 18 h.p. paraffin tractor up to...
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Details of the Bywater Hydraulic Displacement System. I N AN ARTICLE on the storage of petrol which appeared in our issue for...
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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Ford"). W E ARE APT to take the commutator for granted. If we give it an...
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A Combination of Wheel and Chain Tread. By HENRY STURMEY. T HE SHORTCOMINGS of the wheel for work on soft surfaces where...
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A PBIZE OF TEN SHILLINGS is awarded each week all others are paid for at the rate of a penny a line, with an published Mention...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications. One would haie thought it could reasonably be concluded that by now...