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T HERE are still misconceptions amongst users as fo the exact position of the motor vehicle which is used - partly or solely...
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the Society of Automotive Engineers stated that as a result of information gained in connection with the aeroplane during the...
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That giants can double profits. Of bus services as home creators. Of more time-saving garage equipment. Of London as a city...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Three Vulcan buses are to be purchased by GLOUCESTER Corporation. NORTHAMPTON Corporation proposes to purchase two tractors at...
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How the Rigid Six-wheeler May Assist the Agriculturist in the Transport of Beet Crops D URING the past five or six years the...
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Models for 8-cwt. and 5-cwt. Loads, Important Modifications Being In corporated in the Former MIOR 1931 the light-transport...
. A LTHOUG-11 in most countries the 11.lessons of the war in regard to its serious effect on the supply of liquid motor fuel...
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Replies to Our Trenchant Criticism of CLEARING HOUSES He says: "Everybody Who has Seriously Investigated the Matter,...
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T HE famous concern of Hans Renold, Ltd., Burnage Works, Didsbury, Manchester, has put on the market a clutch of ingenious...
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WHEN ORDERING A LARGE SINGLE DECKER W HERE busy routes have to be served it has to be decided whether single or double-deckers...
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for Light Vehicles A New Borg and Beck Product of Ingenious Design and Easy of Application - nOSSIBpY no concern has had more...
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11. A REMARKABLE transport feat has just been undertaken by M.R.S., Ltd. (formerly Marstons Road Services, Ltd.), which is well...
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BALL AND ROLLER BEARINGS ailed Description of the Methods Employed by the Ransome and Bearing Co., Ltd., in the Manufacture of...
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T EE Paris heavy-vehicle show having this year been abandoned, certain manufacturers have obtained permission to exhibit in a...
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Through its Paces F OR many years the Austin " Seven " has won fame for itself both as a private car and as a light delivery...
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1J TIRING the past few weeks we have been trying out on several staff vehicles the new Tapley brake-efficiency indicator, which...
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Marketing Chassis in the Argentine. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3176] Sir,—We heartily agree with the opinions...
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TRAILERS Farrimond Models For Pay-loads From I Ton to 20 Tons A NEWCOMER amongst trailermanufacturing concerns is Thomas...
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RAPID GROWTH OF AN EAST ANGLIAN CONCERN. How a Fleet of More than 30 Coaches Has Been Built Up in 2i Years. T i:M particular...
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An Amplification of a Recent Announcement in this Journal. T I:TROUGH the co-operation of three neighbouring local...
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Some Statistical Details of the Past Year's Working of Municipal Buses. general manager (Mr. T. P. Easton) of the transport...
Notes Upon the Activities of the Local Transport Company; Keighley Corporation's - Undertaking Taken as a Model. A T a recent...
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HAULIER and CARRIER T was, unfortunately, necessary last week to break off during my series of articles on conversations With...
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W E learn with interest that Crossley Motors, Ltd., Gorton, Manchester, is producing for the Government a new type of armoured...
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A Resume . of Recently Published Patent Specifications P ATENT No 332,670, by 0. D. North, P. G. Hugh and Scainmell Lorries,...