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THERE is a vast difference, of course, between 1 the quantities involved in meeting the season's requirements for a sugar-beet...
Lord Nuffield Con Q, PEAKING at the Morris demns Import of 6 .-/ London Dealers meeting last Subsidized Vehicles . Friday, Lord...
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That showmen are big buyers of second-hand vehicles. Of prodigious feats by showmen's motors which were purchased at...
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The Board of Trade returns for July, 1938, show that the value of commercial vehicles, cars, chassis and accessories imported...
interest and importance to hauliers was heard on August 25 by the Stipendiary Magistrate for Birmingham arising out of the...
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THERE are some hauliers who, as a general rule, use their vehicles for carrying merchandise of low value, but who, every now...
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CONVERTER ORDERED. A few days ago, Leyland Motors, Ltd., secured an order for its 2,000th hydraulic torque converter....
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Twin-cylindered 15-cwt. ThreeztAeeler for Factory or Farm, but Complying with Legal Requirements for Road Use. VOR the past...
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T HE discussion a the scheme of maintenance operations (as devised by Captain Walton, of . Unilever, Ltd.), has progressed, in...
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p RIMARILY notable, in connecwith the coach services run by the City Coach Co., Ltd., Zr2-84 Leighton Road, Kentish Town,...
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For Occasional Road Use, Special Exemption May be Had for Farm Machines A SOMEWHAT unusual case, of particular interest and...
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. COVE RNMENT ROAD-TRANSPORT REQUIREMENTS. Representations have been made by the C.M.U.A. to the Government to give serious...
(I N our first editorial page in this ‘../issue of The Commercial Motor we state our views on an outspoken and unfair...
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A N important contribution to the information available in this , country on the subject of fuels, other than those normally...
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FR A AMERICAN BUS DESIGN? PERATORS of 50,000 buses and coaches in the United States, not being content with having secured...
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A Haulage Operation, Simi in its Outline but Complex its Details, Carried Out a Way Which May Ser as a Model in Simil,...
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Statistics for 1937 Show that the Commercial Vehicle Side of the Industry Maintains Its Position of Solidarity P UBLISIIED...
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and QUERIES MORE ON THE PLATING PROBLEM. [54351 Your leading article in your issue for July 22 and further correspondence by...
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The Goodyear Lifeguard Two-compartment Tube Which Cannot Become Suddenly Deflated Even if the Outer Cover Suffers Serious...
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Capacity of the Lowpressure Tyre to Absorb Shock. Why Fixed Volume is of More Importance than Fixed Pressure D EFLECTION is...
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F OR the protection of its extensive aero factory, aerodrome hangars, etc., at its Longbridge Works, Birmingham, the Austin...
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FIGHT FOR TROLLEYBUSES IN GLASGOW I N his report on the suggested use of the trolleyhus in Glasgow, Mr. R. F. Smith, general...
A HAWICK operator, who was alleged to have grossly overloadred his bus, appeared at Hawick Sheriff Court last week and admitted...
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T HE new central bus station of Leeds Corporation, the principal features of which have already been mentioned in these...
I N the annual report of Aberdeen, Corporation Transport Department, which was submitted to a meeting of the transport...
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A SCHEME for distributing equally the braking force on moderate application, but with increased effort on the front wheels...