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A NOTHER stage in the battle for the nationalization of passenger road transport has been commenced by the British Transport...
Tomato Transport THE seasonal work of trans Requires the Utmost 1 porting tomatoes from the Care growing centres . to points...
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Of "twins" on some prams instead of in them. Of Leyland_workers who call the road test department "the bashing bay." That the...
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Six Authorities, a Board and 130 Private Undertakings to be Absorbed F'OLLOWING its consultations with local authorities and...
n ESP1TE the fact that the London Transport Executive cannot itself provide a service to embrace the Northumberland Park,...
IT is expected that the first annual 1 report and accounts of the British Transport Commission , will be published on September...
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A IMING at promoting the interests • of importers of construction machinery and at collaborating with Ministries and Government...
nESPITE obstacles, the output of LI cars and tractors from the works of the Standard Motor Co., Ltd., rose by 25 per cent....
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DDRESSING Stockport Rotarians PArecently, Mr. George Beckett, transport manager of Darwen Corporation, said that the community...
MR. WILFRED PURSELL has been appointed manager of the Lochs Motor Transport Co., Ltd., Stornoway. MR. D. E. WATSON' has...
P ERMISSION to transfer from Britain the capital to finance the launching of a large road haulage project in Canada has been...
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Tankers, Hired by the Week, Stand Idle for Days at Stranraer CHAOS in the arrangement of transport for milk sent from Northern...
the local authorities of England, Scotland and Wales, will attend the National Safety Congress to be held by the Royal Society...
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S YSTEMS of ticket-issuing have recently been under review at Halifax. The internal " A" routes are to be equipped with...
A N International Container Exhibit " - Ilion has been organized by the International Container Bureau, 38, Cours Albert ler,...
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• in the North The Scheme Proposed for Co-ordinating Passenger Transport in the North has Produced Violent Reaction : for...
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Political Commentary By JAWS p ROTESTS continue to be made against the slowness 'with which compensation is being paid by the...
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By A. E. Sherlock-Mesher, F.R.S.A. T HE announcement in "The Commercial Motor," last week, that Miers Transport, Ltd.,...
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How a Big Industry, Involving the Operation of some 50,000 Vehicles, Has Been Built Up, in a Few Years to Cover the Ihe...
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T HE increasing cost of petrol in America, especially in States where there are heavy taxes, has brought about a stronger...
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Labour saving Machines Form a Prominent Feature of the Engineering and Marine Exhibition N EW workshop equipment, from 2k-ton...
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Fires Burning F IRE fighting in remote country districts has its own peculiar difficulties brought about by the absence of...
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Scheme During the First Two Years of Its Life M UCH has been written about the Groundnuts Scheme, of which most has been...
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A FTER a vehicle has been in . , service for about a year it becomes shabby in appearance, no matter how well cared for it has...
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I WOULD like to bring to your notice a part of the road transport industry—as integral a one as the vehicles themselves—which,...
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DEPRECIATION Should Depreciation be Calculated on Mileage, a Time Basis, or a Combination of the Two ? S.T.R. Discusses This...
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for Quick Delivery Several American Concerns Concentrate on Production of Lightweight Quick service Delivery Vehicles L l i...
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P ATENT No. 622,786 comes from Morris Motors, Ltd., H. Merritt and D. Foweraker, all of Cowley, Oxon, and shows a transmission...