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WITH ONLY five weeks left for operators to have their vehicles replated from 38 to 32.5 tonnes, or vice versa, there is already...
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SEDDON ATKINSON's customers are being given an opportunity of buying ostensibly identical tractive units plated either at 32.5...
THE FIRST specialised training centre to provide a fully integrated programme of technical and commercial course for Dodge and...
ROADLINE, the parcels delivery branch of the National Freight Consortium, is aiming at a faster growth rate for its 24-hour...
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POLICY HOLDERS of the Road Haulage Association's Insurance Services, launched in January this year (CM, January 25), have now...
TWO DRIVERS will be joining the ranks of the unemployed after theatrical remover G. H. Lucking and Sons had its operator's...
PLANS to reorganise the Traffic Areas were brought to a dramatic halt this week, just four days before they were due to come...
THE GOVERNMENT has given seven-month honeymoor period to hauliers replacing theil 32.5 tonne lorries for fitting side guards to...
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FEWER LORRY amenity controls were introduced last year compared to 1981, according to the Freight Transport Association's...
THE GREATER London Council's transport policies came under renewed attack from the Freight Transport Association last week....
LOBBYING by the oil industry bore fruit last month when a move to ban lead from petrol had to be postponed in the European...
CLAIMS that Londoners favour a supplementary licensing system to control traffic flows into central London are "arrant...
UNISPEED has added Lille to the French destinations served by Euro-Shuttle, its express groupage service run from near London's...
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INTERNATIONAL HAULIERS could be among those who would benefit from the creation of the freeports proposed in the Chancellor of...
TNT, the Australian-based inter. national transport company, had a 37 per cent drop in mil profit for the six months endec...
TRAFFIC DIVERSIONS in the Dover port area are going smoothly, after the police ignored an elaborate Kent County Council traffic...
A NEW Liverpool ferryport is to service at a cost of around £500,0 be built for B & I Line's Dublin ferry 00. The new terminal...
THE INLAND Clearance Depot at the Port of Felixstowe has changed its name to the East Anglia Freight Terminal. This change of...
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: OLLOWING a distribution contract with Cussons UK, North Nestern British Road Services has set up a new management earn to win...
THE FOLLOWING elections have taken place at the Midlands region of the Freight Transport Association: Vice chairmen are Roy...
BEES TRANSPORT is expanding its sales force to try and capture a larger market of high value security goods, such as hi-fi,...
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THE BUS and Coach Council believes that subsidy to bus operators is justified by the additional service it buys. In its written...
The Dalesman GR11 was designed specifically for Darlington Borough Transport and is simple and rugged. It is powered by a...
LONDON TRANSPORT, the University of London and the Chartered Institute of Transport are jointly organising a conference...
BRITISH transport planning consultants, Martin and Voorhees Associates, together with its computer services subsidiary...
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maintenance of London Transport's buses should be handed over to private enterprise. The terms of reference for the MMC...
ONLY 27 entrants took part in the first of the season's coach rallies, the Midlands International Rally, at Wolverhampton....
KIRBY'S Coaches of High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire has launched a new London-Dublin coach service. The coach operates daily from...
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OVER THE NEXT six months Seddon Atkinson will conclude a revision of its range with five new six and eight-wheel models to...
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COMPUTER Transport specialist Compass International has taken delivery of two Mercedes-Benz 307D chassis cabs modified to take...
FODEN lorries manufactured by Sandbach Engineering are the only heavy goods vehicles to offer asbestos-free brake linings as...
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HORROR? What horror? Forgive the Callaghanesque response but my initial reaction to the article (CM, March 12) on a national...
I REFER to your leader of March 5. I cannot agree that Motec has outlived its use. Training is an essential prerequisite for...
I HAVE just read the article (CM March 12) by Simon Greenly about Les Routiers. Last November I was touring France by car with...
IF Reg Barker (CM January 29) ii his defence of the Serpell Repor believes that about the railways let him ask No 1 Road...
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EXCEPT among international hauliers, the word "cabotage" is not much used or even understood. Nor is the dictionary much help...
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WITH THE DEATH of Ashley Faylor, former northern editor of 7ommercial Motor at Itlanchester, I have lost another pod friend. He...
VHY DOES BREAKFAST on the rain cost about £7 when an almost identical meal can be had for El .98 at the Mernbury service area...
ARRIVING early for a Leyland Bus Press conference on the new Top Cat emergency service — which has nothing to do with...
"WHEN USED intelligently, colour can be made to work constructively for the company as a whole," says the Permog laze Safety...
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THE INCREASE in the maximum permitted UK lorry weight next month from 32.5 to 38 tonnes is an important step in the right...
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Western Electricity Board to present an exhibition aimed at highlighting the claimed operational advantages of the...
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IF YOU ARE a small company and want to expand, now is the time. The money is there to borrow if you want it; a new Department...
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I DO NOT look forward to the regular visits, usually at holiday weekends, by Maggie's brother Cromwell. Although his sister is...
new British limits — what a CM correspondent recently called 'a camel of a lorry' — have no parallel in any other country...
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This international haulier is now on top of the forms thanks to the all-conquering computer. Brian Weatherley goes on-line to...
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CM's 'Ten of the Best' THE GROWTH of microcomputer sales in the United Kingdom has been spectacular. Britain is now the second...
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It's the quality of information required by an operator, not the number of vehicles he employs, that is the criterion by which...