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W HILST the high standard of British road surfaces is obviously an advantage to all transport users in this country, it may...
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works of the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., at Southall, is full of interest, as the organization for production is remarkably...
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That Mr. Shrapnell-Smith has replied : "I can join no more boards this side of June." That coach operating consists of...
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• Royal Show Exhibitors. This year's show-of the Royal Agricultural Society of England will be held at Harrogate from July...
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HAVERFORDWEST Town Council is considering the purchase of a Stanley fire-engine. UCKFLELD Rural District Council has agreed to...
to a User's Needs M ANY important concerns running commercial vehicles have their own ideas as to what constitutes the best...
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ot a SMALLWHEELED CHASSIS • Details of the New W. and G. Vehicle Designed for Refuse Collection and Other Work for which an...
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W E recently had the opportunity for inspecting the new coach station which is now in course of erection and nearing completion...
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An Opportunity for Sales in Greece. THE Fourth International Trade Fair will open at Salonika on September 15th, 1929, for 15...
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HIGH COMPRESSION with LOW-GRADE FUELS T H'problem of how to suppress detonation is one of the most urgent of those which...
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The Road Vehicles Regulation Bill. The Committee on Licence-issuing. Disagreement with Mechanical Speed Checks. Co-ordination...
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T "year 1925 saw the introduction of the first Leyland Lion bus chassis, and since that time this model has been giving...
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of the ALL-WEATHER HEAD Some of the Latest Examples of Luxury Coach with Sliding Roofs which London Lorries, Ltd., is...
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with Unusual Features W E have on numerous occasions pointed out that there is a large potential market for a really...
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I S there a future for sleeper-coach services in Ireland? In the opinion of Mr. T. J. Furey, who recently instituted such a...
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A MONGST the various deliveries that are being effected at the present time by the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., the...
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THE MODERN FARM TRACTOR I T is now some 10 years since an official trial of tractors was held, but, as was announced in our...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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of the HAULIER and CARRIER I T is quite evident, from the nature of a large proportion of the inquiries Ireceive, that a good...
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by the MOTOR LORRY. T TNTIL a short time ago the City of Maracaibo was the great entrep6t of Western Venezuela. It stands at...
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K NOWN as the ZA-type is a new Karrier chassis designed to carry 30-cwt. loads. This is the smallest of the goods-carrying...
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Interesting Contributions from Maintenance Engineers, Drivers and Mechanics. Braking a Stearn Roller. F ROM Berkhamsted a...