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W HILST there is something to be said for an open discussion of a grievance and for the tactical grasping of the opportunity...
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Of too-go-ahead drivers sad after the event. Of anti-pink pills for non-aromatic petrols. That Carmoloiding is becoming a big...
Apparently she was a new motorist, for, sitting next to the driver of the char-h.-bancs, she had pestered him with...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all diOczeties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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P ARLIAMENT has recently shown some curiosity as to 1 the intentions of the Government with regard to forthcoming legislation...
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A New British Entrant Into the Fields of Fire-engine and Goods Vehicle Manufacture. First Published Details of the Martin...
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How Fuel Can be Economized or the Evaporative Power of the Boiler Increased. T EIE gain in economy of fuel consumption, or,...
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Some Attractive and Distinctive Designs which Possess a Marked Advertising Value. T llERE is little need for us to stress the...
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By Dudley W. Walton, F.S.S. rilHE railway companies' Press agent rang me up on the telephone and suggested that if I met him...
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A Description of the New Marks Cam Mechanism. mITERE can be no question that the effort involved in steering a commercial...
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A PPROXIMATELY 750,000 tons of cattle feeding stuffs pass through the port of Liverpool every year, Liverpool, in faa, being...
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Pr HE 25th anniversary of the foundation of the National Physical Laboratory was made the opportunity for the annual inspection...
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How an Expedition, Equipped with Eight Creeper-track Vehicles, has Almost Completed a Journey through Central Africa and to the...
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T HE slide valves on Foden wagons are held to their respective seatings entirely by the pressure of the steam, which is...
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Starting in Business With a Taxicab. tr HERE are many who look upon the life of a taxicab driver as enviable rather than...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. BETTER PUBLICITY FOR THE COACH INDUSTRY. Why the Owner Should...
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An Event which Promotes Considerable Business for Motor Coach Owners. F OR one brief week in each year the population of...
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A Résumé of Those of Chief Interest to Our Readers. Several are Being Shown for the First Time, These Including a Fire Engine,...
Two steam wagons will be shown by William Allchin, Ltd., one being a 6-ton platform lorry and the other a threeway tipping...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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Practical Experiences of our Driver and Mechanic Readers. A CCORDING to " G.A.L.," of Washington, D.C., there are nine...