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D ESPITE the fact 'that agriculture in this country has declined lamentabiy for many years, it is still one of the most...
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Removing Legal DisaL'ARMERS using tractors will bility on Farm TracI be given a useful concession if a new clause added to the...
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That the Roman roads were built mostly by criminals. That those who build some of the more modern thoroughfares should be...
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T railways would like the result of the deliberations of the road-rail conference to be that they would take over all trunk...
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mentioned in our issue for last week, the proposals put forward by the Employers' Panel of the Road Haulage Central Wages Board...
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that I wanted a talk with some hauliers in the Windsor area, preferably those who are interested in agricultural haulage, he...
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Whilst at Present Gas Fuel Cannot Compete With Oil Fuel There Are Possibilities, Says an Authority, if Certain Conditions Could...
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Much Progress is Being Made by a Class of Machine Which is Fast Ousting the Horse for the Inter-cultivation of Crops Grown in...
H OW many farmers, to-day, are throwing away opportunities by sticking to traditional methods? Agricultural science, in all its...
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proved necessary for grassland. This is a very important point, because not only is grassland highly valuable in this country,...
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For Fruit.canying Vehicles and for Market Vans, Special Types of Body and Super-. structure are Usually Needed F , RUIT which...
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F AND AGRICULTURAL PROGRESS A Striking Article by a Farming Authority, Who Explains the Ways in Which the Agriculturist is...
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T RACTOR sales to the individual I farmer have been on such a rapidly increasing scale, during the past few years, that...
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D ESIG N ATE 1) RRAC9, an aluminium-base alloy is now produced for bearings by Wellworthy Piston Rings, Ltd., Lymington, Hants....
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The Pneumatic' Tyre Has Won Its Way to Success for Tractor and Other Duties and Has Brought Many Advantages to Farmer and...
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L IVESTOCK carriers are frequently entrusted with loads which may be valued at anything up to £7,000. Choice of vehicle is,...
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Modern Tendency in Horsebox Design and Construction Would Tend to Suggest that a Stage of Perfection Has Been Reached khe...
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AL SHOW The Exhibits, This Year, are Mainly Confined to Tractors, Stationary Power Plants and Agricultural Equipment. On This...
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A S a gesture of protest, the vehicle exhibits, which in the past have constituted the true hub of the commercial-motor...
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Small General purpose Machines Achieving a Notable Success Not Only with the Smallholder but Also on the Big Farm for a Variety...
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Solving the Problems of the Carrier T HE time for pressing claims for better rates for the haulage of bricks is not now. That...
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B RIGHTON welcomes conferences. Invariably it puts up an excellent show, and the 38th Annual Conference of the Municipal...
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RAILWAY FIGHTS SOUTHPORT ON PROPOSED FARES REDUCTIONS P RUFUS:US by Southport Corporation to reduce local bus fares were...
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LEGISLATION FOR TRACTIONENGINE EMPLOYEES. COME points of importance to Litraction-engine owners were brought out at the annual...
A NYONE Who dOubts that Cattle haulage is a specialized form of transport should talk to Messrs. J. Saxton and Sons, of...