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The greatest consideration with a commercial motor is the number of days in a year on which it is actively engaged in running...
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The Inspection and Trial of Second-hand Commercial Motors. We inaugurate from to-day a scheme whereby many owners of...
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"No. " was "sold out" on the day of publication. Newsagents orders exceeded %ono copies. The prospects before the light...
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Messrs. Clarkson, Ltd., have received an order for four Chelmsford omnibus chassis from the Colony of Victoria.. The quiet...
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Completion of our report. Wednesday of Show Week was the busiest day, for several hundred representa.tive.s of municipal and...
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One of the concerns which has identified itself with the motor vehicle movement for some time is the Motor Car Emporium, Ltd.,...
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A Labour-saving Machine as well as a Carrier. An example of how the commercial motor can be adapted has reached us from New...
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An Opening ler the Individual Carrier. The days of uncertainty as to cost and performance are, happily, now things of the...
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Its Constitution and Objects. London must be the ultimate home and centre of any truly national enterprise or movement. Where...
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About a twelvemonth ago, the Neue Automobil-Gesellschaft in Berlin despatched a number of heavy motor tractors to German...
A driver who had trouble from a small sand-hole in the water jacket of his old Daimler engine, the water spraying all over the...
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Some Views and Opinions. Harry Parsons, A,M.I.Mech.E. So much attention has been bestowed upon the pleasure car that the...
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Mr. Sidney Straker. The President of the Society of Manufacturers and Traders has accomplished an enormous amount of useful...
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By the Editor. The early days of commercial motoring contain incidents which can be recalled with pleasure notwithstanding...
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Care of Motor Omnibuses. The Eaitor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." should like to tender my congratulations to all concerned upon...
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No. 9,604, April 27th, x 9o4. "Engine Frame or Case and Gear Box and Mounting it upon the Car." The Wolseley Company, Limited,...