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T HE position ot the private carrier will be a happy one under the Road and Rail Traffic Act, because he can expand his fleet...
A CONSIDERED action to stem the tide of road accidents has been launched by the introduction this week into the House of...
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1 RIBUTES to the efficiency of public-servicevehicle drivers have recently been paid by some of the Traffic Commissioners. Now...
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Of bus-garage problems in Carlisle. That the railways want to dub road bridges frailways. That 30,000,000 gallons of ben7ole...
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by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it...
A N effort is being made to give more power to the local committees of the Road Haulage Association. Speaking at a meeting held...
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A T the invitation of Stewart and Ardern, Ltd., and Morris-Commercial Cars, Ltd., a special meeting of some 800 London hauliers...
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On March 23 the Railway Rates Tribunal gave judgment approving a number of charges agreed between the amalgamated railway...
A prosecution for selling meat from a motorvan was made against a Pontypridd butcher at Neath Police Court, the summons being...
The North-Eastern Division of the Commercial Motor Users Association is continuing to hold meetings in all the large centres in...
A decision to form a Plymouth branch of the Road Haulage Association was the outcome of a well-attended meeting of prominent...
A branch of the Road Haulage Association has been formed at Malton, Yorkshire. Mr. W. Wilkinson is the chairman and Mr. C....
The unusual body of the Cornmer van, which is illustrated on this page, was constructed by Mr. S. H. Bond, of Rusholme,...
The Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., announces that its branch sales office at Southampton is now at 18, East Park Terrace,...
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During February last, the War Office ordered a crane lorry from Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd, The G.P.O. authorities placed...
South Wales and Monmouthshire agricultural show secretaries, at their annual meeting at Neath, passed a resolution asking...
The efficiency losses caused , by excessive clearance between pistons and cylinder walls are claimed to be minimized, if not...
The AC-Sphinx Sparking Plug Co., Ltd., announces the forthcoming transfer of some of its manufacturing activities from old...
The accounts of the West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd„ for the year 1933, show that, after reserving £23,804 for income-tax and...
We have received a leaflet giving particulars of the Copper Development Association, which was incorporated in September, 1933,...
Wages Clause Alleged to be Ignored. On the ground that some of the haulage contractors appointed by the council, last year, had...
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CE HAULAGE of 6-ton loads Road Test No. 178 The Karrier Cob* Six Quick-coupling Outfit Reveals Under Test Its Advantages of...
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IN PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent SEARCH FOR OIL IN GREAT BRITAIN. A N portant announcement was made...
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WING to the prolonged de pression in Germany, few municipalities in that country have been able to extend their fleets of motor...
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Planning the Office Accommodation so that the Staff is Immune from the Effects of Exhaust Fumes I N planning a garage, office...
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HAULIER and CARRIER Why the Item of Driver's Wages Must be Included in the Schedule of Operating Costs of the Vehicle of the...
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The Serious Effects of Deposits on the Efficiency of the Engine Cooling and How They May be Overcome at Small Cost T HE...
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The Chances for a 30-avt. Vehicle Weighing Less Than Its Carrying Capacity. Methods of Costing Tyre Expenditure What the Oil...
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P ROMINENT among those concerns which serve the woollen mills of Bradford is I. W. Holdsworth and Co., Halifax, which, with its...
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The 18th Article of the Series in which We Answer Typical Questions on Different Subjects Resulting from the Passing of the...
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N EWSPAPEI TRANSPORT Road Transport Plays an Allimportant Part in Securing the Efficient and Rapid Distribution of that Most...
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ANOTHER LE TOUQUET AIR SERVICE. Following last week's notice of a Heston-Le Touquet service by British Air Navigation Co.,...
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S 011E indication of the growing interest in trolleybuses may be gained from the fact that, since the beginning of December,...
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Improvements in Several Branches of Industry. Leather Business Brighter. Many Building Schemes Brisk Activity in Clothing and...
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An Up-to-date Policy in Connection With Transport Characterizes an Important Irish City. A Large, Modern Fleet of Motor...
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fiACHINERY for the stabilization of IV/road-haulage rates and increasing them to a level adequate to meet present-day...
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A R8sumi of Recently Published Patent Specifications DATENT No. 406,000, by C. A. Vii1 hers, 48, Albemarle Street, London,'...