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A REGRETTABLE tendency is observable in the matter of filling vacancies in the various classes of occupation classified under...
U.S.A. Facing Difficult THE confident claim of the Problem with Worn I president of the American Roads Trucking Associations,...
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Hears— That Leyland must be the largest exporter of wild animals. That the S.S. "Cape York" made a good zoo with its Royal...
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E XPORTS of commercial vehicles in January were the highest since June of last year. Output was also well maintained. The...
refused an interlocutory application by Messrs. Holland Bros., of Oldbury, Birmingham, for permission to be represented by a...
A NOTHER burden will be placed on the road transport industry on June 1. On that date insurance premiums for all classes of...
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NEW trend in road passenger trans%. port is indicated by an experiment tich Huddersfield Transport Departtht is to make with...
F OR the first time in history, workers of all political creeds threatened with State control had had the courage to rebel,...
)(TENSION of interworking is con-Asidered by the national committee F the express carriers' group of the .oad Haulage...
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ALL). R. H. BAKER. a prominent figure in ihe Plymouth coaching and garage business, is to be the city's next Lord Mayor. MR_...
A NEW threat to the freedom of the ancillary user is reported is the latest bulletin of the Traders' Road Transport...
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• Supporters Quote Lancashire Cotton Industry's Dissatisfaction with B.R.S. L ABOUR members immediate l y began to attack the...
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F OLLOWING an interim award last Decembe permitting the Id. fare to be raised to 11-d„ Wallasey Corporation has now received...
DUS traffic is to be prohibited on the Glenorchy road, a 12-mile section between Dalmally and the Bridge of Orchy, which links...
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MIEN the implementation of the FV 30 m.p.h. speed limit for heavy oods vehicles, other than those towing ailers, was discussed...
A N order for 209 oil-engined bus chassis, valued at nearly £400,000, has been placed with Leyland Motors, Ltd., by Coras...
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T ANGANYIKA is a large country covering about 376,000 sq. miles, 6i times the size of England and Wales. It is thinly populated...
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VOR operation under exceptionally difficult conditions, George Wimpey and Co., Ltd., London, has recently ordered a number of...
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By Alan Smith A T some time in the 1920s, a German pilot touched down at an airfield in Africa and was at once charged by a...
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IT was with some amusement that I have read in the I daily Press of the Government's campaign to break monopolies and price...
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for Underfloor Engines By P. A. C. BROCKINGTON, A.I.M ech.E. M ANY maintenance and service advantages, as yet unobtainable,...
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The Importance of Preserving Personal Contact Between the Operating Manager and his Staff is Emphasized as Under takings...
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While the British Transport Commission Has Blundered Its Way Along, Making No Attempt to Co-operate with Free Hauliers, the...
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In Response to an Inquiry from a Small Haulier, Our Contributor Outlines a Simplified System for Setting Down Expenditure on...
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O of the earliest principles in the NE ‘--Idesign of gear-changing devices is the " disappearing feather," that is, a sliding...