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The Home Office has now authorized the construction of taximeters N, About any mechanism for the registration of " extras."...
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By a Local Observer. During the recent visit of his Majesty King George to Aldershot, where he personally inspected the...
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A .Draper a Wide Reputation Uses Renault Vans Exclusively. We were placed in a position a week or two ago to give the first...
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The West Country Agricultural Show each year proves, at any rate so far as the implement section is concerned, more often than...
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An L.G.O.C. Presentation. At the Holborn Restaurant on the 22nd inst., Mr. Daniel Duff, late joint manager of the L.G.O. Co....
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That petrol's ceasing to flow. Of another ballot:, d' essai gone wrong. A tirade by would-be parade copyists. To be wanted...
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The Parade report places an exceptional demand upon our space this week. The event was suceees fully conducted. See pages -...
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Splendid Weather and Splendid Organization. Upwards of £260 Awarded and Distributed between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Monday...
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In our issue of the 2nd inst., â â tgave the text of the questions that were set for drivers who essayed to win the...
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The Parade Committee requests that acknowledgment be given of the nodernoted contributions:â GENERAL FUND.* FIld⢠the...
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The outstanding feature of punctuality which, as we have already mentioned, was a commendable feature throughout, was fully...
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It is a pity about. those Shell horses. The asphalt was rather too hot for comfort. Tilling's mail vans were well painted all...
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Do Drivers Consider Tires ? The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [1553] Sir,âI have been greatly interested in the letters...
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The World's Press on the Utilitarian Value of the Commercial Motor. The New Duty of the Farmer's Boy. Every man on the farm...
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In connection with the prize of two guineas which we are offering to the driver who sends in the most complete and genuine list...
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A Novel Motorbus. L. Wilton-Cox, A. Gough and E. W. Lewis.âNo. 12,396, dated 23rd May, 1911. Cognate application No. 16,208...