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It is no work of supererogation, that we give an early and decided warning to all persons who may be contemplating the pleasant...
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From Mr. Thomas Clarkson, that any extra tank is for fuel—not water. That next time Tilling's give a Press lunch, visitors...
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News contributions are invited payment will be made on publicatwn. Twenty taxicab drivers belonging to the Provincial Motor...
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Berlin Motorcab Owners Protest against "Mews-Brown. Interesting Points Raised. The rumour that Berlin's Commissioner of...
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A: Further Development of the Outside Spring Suspension System Adopted by Wm. Foster and Co., Ltd., in 1909. In our report of...
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News contributions are invited : payment will be made on publication. A sub-committee of the Dundee Pollee Committee has been...
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Our Paris Correspondent Interviews the Marquis de Dion. For some while rumours have been afloat in London to the effect that...
Unique Testimony to the Benefits which have Accrued by the Adaption of "Ferodo " Lining on London Tube Railways. The following...
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This journal is known to possess the influence, the staff, the standing and the leading circulation. it is exclusively read by...
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Singapore Municipal Council has agreed to spend £675 on a motor tender, and has included that sum in its 1912 Budget. At...
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The limit, I think, has been reached in the matter of price cutting of solid tires, and I venture to put on record a word or...
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Representative exhibits of steam tractors, agricultural motors and steam wagons will be shown at the Royal Agricultural Hall...
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Mixed Treads for Vehicle Wheels. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [1,457] Sir,—In reply to " RE." in your issue of the 16th...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for any thing else published....
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A Commercial Head Lamp. We reproduce a photograph herewith of a special form of acetylene head lamp, which has been designed...
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...