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T HE STATEMENT Made by Sir Auckland Geddes to the deputation of commercial vehicle manufacturers was, in substance, not...
A S TO THE present transport position in this country and its causes there was an obvious and sharp conflict of opinion between...
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A LTHOLTGH Sir Auckland Geddes apparently, and somewhat superficially, dealt with the case of the farm tractor manufacturers at...
F ROM information received (to employ a not unfamiliar trick of words), we are convinced that all is not as it should be...
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Of Leyland Torque. Of a new "One Hears" page. That there was plenty of mud at Lincoln. That the farmers were very favourably...
O RDER HAS YET to be evolved from the present chaos of regulations and recommendations that are nowadays current with regard...
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S.M.M. and T. Tractor Trials Luncheon. Mr. H. G. Burford (chairman of the Agricultural Committee of the Society of Motor...
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Char-a-bancs and Spas. No More Millions for Aircraft. N OW THAT the holiday season is drawing to a close, and we are able to...
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An American Model Built on British Lines. T HE G.M.O. one-ton chassis, for which the con.. cessionnaires are the Ancona Motor...
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Where Railway Services Fail to Meet the Requirements or to Assist Development. S CARCELY ANOTHER industry is so dependent ....
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Most Important Trials of Agrimotors, Conducted in Fine Weather Before a Great Gathering of British Farmers. " 9 -4 HE LIFE -or...
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The Deputation to Sir Auckland Geddes, on Import Restriction and the Imposition of a Duty, is Disappointed. T HE DEPUTATION...
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The Effect on Industries of Rate-raising. The Need for a Fair Field for all Forms of Transport. By GRANVILLE F. BILBROUGH. T...
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Rival Ministries. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [1690] Sir,—We are in a hole ! The two Government Departments...
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A Review of the Present and Future Situation. By Henry Sturmey. NOTE The Commercial Motor, in common with other journals, is...
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, By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Ford"). W HEN THE big-end bearings are very far gone —that is, when the wear...
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A PRIZE OF •TEN SHILLINGS is awarded each week to the sender of the best letter which we publish on this page ; all others are...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications. There is more than one device on the market which facilitates rapid...