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THE BRITISH coach industry is as successful as any in the world. True, there are more luxurious vehicles to be seen in mainland...
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SITERNATIONAL haulage is riddled with corruption claims a aboiir MP. He blames the system by which international road aulage...
EXPERIMENTAL signs which tell drivers "Slow Down Please" are being installed in Hampshire. They will automatically flash the...
A DEVICE which could help prevent motorway pile-ups at night and in fog could be available for around E15. The "black box"...
MORE GOODS vehicles were registered in July this year, compared to 1978, but bus registrations are down. In Great Britain and...
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THE NATIONAL Freight Corporation is to cut back the number of Roadline and National Carriers depots. A decision has been taken...
GREATER GLASGO1 Passenger Transpo Executive is to increase its bi fares in an attempt to pay fi its new electric railway servio...
MERSEY TUNNEL tolls go up on September 8. New rates approved by the government are 70p for lorries and coaches over three tons...
ROADLINE, the parcels carrier in the National Freight Corporation, is to buy some electric vehicles. Three Dodge Silent...
BRITAIN has lost a £27m co tract to supply 400 doubledeo buses to Baghdad. MAN announced this we that it had won the order f...
Yorkshire Freight Services, the freight office of the Bradford Owner Drivers Association has not closed down and is not likely...
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7.0NFEDERATION of British Road Passenger Transport iirector-general Denis Quin has replied to accusations that he is gnoring...
REACTION from the industry to the Government's proposals to denationalise the National Freight Corporation has been generally...
THE FOREIGN Office has still not had any news of the fate of Hestair Dennis managing director John Smith who has now been in...
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TEN LORRY drivers who were dismissed because they were on strike lost their claims for unfair dismissal at a Birmingham...
EAN Transport and Trading has announced an interim pre-tax profit of £665m for the half-year to June 30, 1979. This is...
ELECTRIC delivery vehicles were examined by Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Industry David Mitchell, MP, earlier...
PBDS (NATIONAL Carriers), the book distribution company in the National Freight Corporation, has opened a new depot at Bitton,...
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CHANGES in systems of export documentation have been attacked by the Freight Transport Association as likely to lead to more...
THE SOCIETY of Motor Manufacturers and Traders and the Freight Transport Association are working on an idea to standardise...
A ONE Transport of Leeds has just taken delivery of another 30 semi-trailers to add to its now 300-strong trailer fleet. The...
FERRYMASTERS, the big haulage company in the P and 0 European Transport Services group, has just taken delivery of 40 new...
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AINTENANCE systems and inspection records at K. Crad)ck tTransport) of York appeared to be adequate on paper, but !fects were...
NATIONAL Bus Company subsidiary Lincolnshire Road Car Company has a new chief engineer. He is Brian Harper, Midland Red's...
INTER-COUNTY Express is hoping to purchase a plot of land in Daventry, Northamptonshire, as a site for a new distribution...
VOW Truck Services have announced that they will be giving )tbeir Foden distributorship for the South-West as from April xt...
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RON WHITTLE, national chairman of the Coach and Independent Bus Sector of the Confederation of British Road Passenger Transport...
LEEDS CITY has honoured pioneer bus operator la: naming a new road in an are; of the city after him. The road has been namel...
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SOUTH YORKSHIRE County Council has said that it will be sticking with its popular "pegged-fare" policy this year — despite the...
MORE THAN 50 per cent of car drivers interviewed in a nationwide survey by the Automobile Association's Drive magazine stated...
PUBLIC transport in new towns is the subject of a conference to be held at Liverpool Polytechnic on October 4 and 5. It is...
'HE BRISTOL LHS 8.5-9.0 netre coach chassis is to coninue in production, says LeyInd Vehicles. It will be availble for the...
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RUMANIAN Tudor and ARO light vehicles with two-wheel or four-wheel drive, already previewed in CM have now been officially...
THE TORQUE capacity of Scania gearboxes has been increased, which should make them last longer, says the manufacturer. New...
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; WO ES by the Government inn unced last week to :ha ge the National Freight orporation into a normal ■ ublic company with the...
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CM reviews of transport equipment and tools by Tim Blakemore IN RESPONSE to request by readers CM is starting a four times a...
Truck Fasteners Ltd, of Walsall Road, Birmingham, now manufactures a power-assisted blind riveting tool that operates from a...
Sales Ltd, of Penrith, Cumbria, is the Nixson Rota-Brush. Fitting on to a pressure washer lance (or even a garden hose) the...
Psmat Ltd, of Newton Road, Henley-on-Thames, makes a range of hot and cold highpressure washers incuding its two latest models,...
With effect from July 1 this year Anglia Distribution Ltd, of Swilland, Ipswich, has reduced by 10 per cent the price of Dima...
Moon% Moat, Redditch, Worcester. shire, now has available thE Linford wheel dolly which is de signed to simplify the removal o...
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now available om Kismet Dynaflex Ltd, of enlake Road, Bedford. Latest idition to the range is the !ries of three-pocket tester...
has designed the Pribro work bench as a multipurpose piece of equipment with the customer choosing from a number of standard...
The Ronco Sales Organisation of 81-89 East End Road, London, markets a 356mm (14in) high mobile step-stool that bodybuilders or...
Buses Annual 1980 is edited by Gavin Booth, and published by Ian Allan at £3.25. WITH 130 well-illustrated and text-packed...
by David Holding, and published by David and Charles at £5.95. THE North-East of England is rich in social and economic...
Pamphlet 138, is published at 70p (77 1/2 by post) by Her Majesty's Stationery Office. ROADS, road haulage, passenger...
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perfect coach Haulier David Fox believes e executive psv market is waiting to be tappec-Alan IVillar reports DAVID FOX is an...
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Passengers tell David Wilcox that poor terminals let down fine services. Pictures by Dick Ross, MOST coach passengers are old...
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IF you have a spare car (or any other kind of vehicle) lumbering up the place, don't give it to the Boy Scouts jumble sale....
The silly season has started with a vengeance. I said to myself when I read of a scheme to ease congestion in central London by...
America's Super Boss and Australia's Waltzing Matilda, the drag-racing lorries of which I wrote on March 30, now have a British...
Perhaps unfairly, Customs and Excise probably ranks next in unpopularity to the Inland Revenue. The long closure of the LACES...
A friend in the motor industr became an enthusiastic sur porter of the Commercial Motc save-fuel campaign when o August 1 he...
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More foreign tours were seen in e UK in ne summer of 79 and drivers hours caused problems, but many firms hope to capture new...
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Call spare coaches In a winter of discontent it's capital work by psv operators that keeps London working, reports Alan...
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Brian Chalmers-Hunt explains the role of the Commissioners and profiles the men TRAFFIC COMMISSIONERS' were first appointed...
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Northern B. J. Foster, OBE, Low Friar House, 36-34 Low Friar Street, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 5XR. Tel: 0632 610031. Appointed...
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for UK's big two Noel Millier, surveying the coach body manufacturers, reports nat increasing competition from across the...
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Psv men, too, must be prepared. COMMERCIAL VEHICLE operators who have not qualified by reason of "grandfather rights"' and who...
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Noel Millier finds the shortened YLQ/Duple has excellent ride and handling characteristics. Pictures by Brian Wea - nerley....