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The year 1914, now closing, will be memorable in history for marking the triumph of heavy motor transport. Had there not been...
We cannot write at length of 1914, beieause the. claims of 1915 are upon us. The changes that were brought about by the...
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By The Editor. The year 7915 attracts. It is fraught with so much. Good there must be in it, in the widest sense, hard though...
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For Thos. Alva Edison--A boost. For the L.G.O.C.— 10-ewt. more. For the Impressment A wet towel. Officers— For the Censor—. A...
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A Remarkable Description of the Experiences of a Convoy Under Heavy Shell Fire near Ypres. These messages from Our Owrz...
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Report (continued from page 300) of a Discussion in London. [The opening speeches at the meeting of the Agents Section, Ltd.,...
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A Pause in the Work of Organization—Extensive Contracts Have Now Been Placed for More Gloves, and for Bull' s-ieyes, Soap and...
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This journal, dealing as it does with the "Chariots of War," no less than with the "Wheels of Industry," is now of natioaal...
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A disappointing intimation was made to me by a prominent Army official, whom I know very well, and who is engaged mostly in...
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Selfridge's New Branch : Provisions Require Quicker Deliveries. In the course of this series of articles, we had the pleasure...
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How to Cure It. Attention to Detail.—Transmission Efficiency. Sundry matters, which were of absorbing, interest during the...
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Relative Merits of Steel and Malleable-Iron Castings and Stampings. Mr. Pomeroy's second paper relating to the above matter,...
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We have to hand an interesting exclusive report of some brake tests carried out on a five-ton lorry in the United States. The...
Amongst the many contracts received from the variousAllied Governments for motor vehicles of all kinds, we believe that the...
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The Crawley-Boevey Non-skid Attachment. [2504] (Dunfermline).—You will get information about the Crawley-Boevey non-skid from...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best corn. munication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else...
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Napier Anti-rolling Springs. Rolls-Royce Electric Starter. Improved Chain. Another Spring Wheel. C. Gr. EDEN AND HANS RENOLD,...