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There is Reason to Believe that Road Transport is Winning Through to Security 0-MORROW marks the Commencement of a New Year,...
I T is considered that for cvery five new vehicles put into service, two of them have bodywork which has been specially built...
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A DRIVER was busy unloading rolls of paper from his oil-engined vehicle when his attention was called to a suspicious pool of...
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Of rate-liNing surprises in the offing. That transport operators do not like the " waits." Of Messrs. Bristow and Sewill each...
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Plans for National "Merger" Advanced T RUNK services over the main transport routes throughout the country and local coverage...
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T HE fact that he carried milk at 4rd. a gallon was disclosed by a haulier at a •Chaster sitting of the NorthWestern Deputy...
Machinery Transport Risks A LTHOUGH the transport .11.of machinery is really a specialist's job, many hauliers have an...
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Dundee Police and Fire Brigade Committee unanimously recommended, on Monday, that MR. WILLIAM MACKEY, deputy firemaster since...
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P ROCEDURE adopted by the Ministry of Transport for carrying out secret checks on commercial vehicles, with a view to detecting...
T HE need for uniformity of wages and conditions of employment in the haulage industry was among the points stressed by Col. A....
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A haulage contractor, said to have been guilty of " gross carelessness," had his contract A licence revoked when a special...
A N attempt to penalize a haulier for wishing to provide similar facilities to those offered by the railways was made before...
business to a well-known Horton-on-Trent concern had a sequel at Birmingham Assizes, last week, when Mr. Justice Finlay heard a...
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Boston (Lincolnshire) Chamber of Commerce, since its intervention on behalf of the trade and industry of the town at the recent...
An Authentic Story of a Transport Feat which Ranks Almost as High as the Adventures of Baron Munchausen MT have received from...
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Pointers in Design Outlined by Our Bodybuilding Expert, who Suggests Methods of Constructing Motor and Container Bodies D OES...
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A User Who Contributed His Experiences to "The Commercial Motor," nearly Thirty Years Ago, Compares Conditions of tgog With...
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Favourable Price of Current Combines with Effective Compression of Refuse to Promote Popularity T HE particular advantages of...
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/ ‘ 4 . AGREE with the previous speaker," chimed in another of the informal audience which gathered after my lecture meeting...
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Brief Details of a New 20-seater Passenger Vehicle with Forward Control and Streamline Construction , [WHILST fully...
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66 HE vast majority of bus ser vices in the country are controlled by the dual com , 'bine of Thomas Tilling, Ltd, and the...
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Coach . Companies Stage 24hour "Warning" Strike as Dernonstra lion of Disapproval A GREAT public outcry has arisen in France...
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American White Company Produces Design of Horizontally opposed Petrol Engine Which is Built in Three Sizes to Power Fast...
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T HOSE who opine that the flat-rate system of charg ing for transport is inequitable will be surprised to learn of the method...
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" W/E Want' or 'May We W Have? ' " the title of an editorial in The Commercial Motor, provided Mr. J. A. M. Bright, chairman...
fixing rates for the carriage of milk is not in the interests of carriers, farmers or dairies, said an official of the C.M.U.A....
THERE has just been formed the IL Manchester Meat Carriers Association, membership of which comprises and is open to meat...
Are Doing LECTURES ON LUBRICANTS. In reporting, in last week's issue. S.T.R. 's lecture tour of South Wales, we inadvertently...
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Research into the Operation of Motor Vehicles on Wood Gas Reveals Causes of Gas Contamination by Tar. Advice on How this...
I N an article in a recent issue of the French journal, Mecartique, the author states that compressed town gas undoubtedly...
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and QUERIES IN DEFENCE OF SPLINED SHAFTS. [5228] Referring to the article "Transmission Unit Efficiency" in your issue for...
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A N accompanying illustration shows one of the latest four-wheeled trailers made by Cranes (Dereham), Ltd., South Green Works,...
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By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent BIG GRANT FOR NEW WATERLOO BRIDGE. B EFORE the Christmas recess Mr. 1. , H....
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nURING 1936-37, the number of pas sengers carried by trolleybuses operated by local authorities and companies, excluding London...
" IS it true that there is a tendency 1 for motorbus operators to go back from six-cylindered engines to fourcylinclered...
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T HE North-Western Traffic Commissioners are having the schedules of all long-distance coach tours carefully scrutinized, in...
T HE question of providing accommodation for returning coach passengers holding period tickets was raised by an application...
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WHERE monopolies prevail, the VV public is entitled to benefit by such low fares as it may be possible to introduce, as a...
Outlining Some of the Advantages and Limitations of the Type, . a Contributor Makes Constructive Criticisms and Suggests Means...
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A Resume of, Recently Published Patent Spec ific a lions D RIVEN wheels which are also steerable present many problems in the...